Monday, February 17, 2020

end to end

Friend, what do you want of me?
I contain all that was, what is, and what will be.
I hold all, standing tall.
Take everything from me you please.
I won't say no if you want all.
Say, friend, what do you want of me?
I am love.  Love fills me end to end.
What you desire to fill
Your soul, we both desire, friend.
Say to us nakedly your will.

~ Marguerite Porete
from The Mirror of Simple Souls
translated by Aliki Barnstone and Willis Barnstone
photo of "Yayoi Kusama: Infinity Mirrors"
Marguerite was part of a community of Beguines.  Some of her writing attacked the established clergy.  She and her works were condemned and she was publicly burned around 1300.