Showing posts with label Anna Kamienska. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anna Kamienska. Show all posts

Monday, December 16, 2024

all these prayers


So a little spring prays to the ocean, 
so the beating heart prays to the heart of the universe, 
so the little word prays to the great Logos,
 so a dust speck prays to the earth, 
so the earth prays to the cosmos, 
so the one prays to the billion, 
so human love prays to God’s love, 
so always prays to never, 
so the moment prays to eternity, 
so the snowflake prays to winter, 
so the frightened beast prays to the forest silence, 
so uncertainty prays to beauty itself.

And all these prayers are heard.

~ Anna Kamieńska
from In the Great River: A Notebook
with thanks to love is a place

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

through the body




Our weaknesses are the way to God
Tell me why it is through the body
through torment of the body you speak to the spirit
why through leprosy fever deafness
You are a healer and not a priest
you take in your hands the head of the dying
from one lump you bring forth new life 
like bread you multiply the body
You come through bodies not through sunsets
and the hard strong hand of blood and flesh
holds in the palm like a sparrow
the muscle of the human heart
~ Anna Kamienska
from Astonishments

lack of faith


even when I don't believe
there is a place in me
inaccessible to unbelief
a patch of wild grace
a stubborn preserve
pain untouched sleeping in the body
music that builds its nest in silence
~ Anna Kamienska
from Astonishments
 art Detail from Pablo Picasso, Gertrude Stein

Saturday, September 12, 2020


What’s it like to be a human
the bird asked

I myself don’t know
it’s being held prisoner by your skin
while reaching infinity

being a captive of your scrap of time
while touching eternity

being hopelessly uncertain
and helplessly hopeful

being a needle of frost
and a handful of heat

breathing in the air
and choking wordlessly

it’s being on fire
with a nest made of ashes

eating bread
while filling up on hunger

it’s dying without love
it’s loving through death

That’s funny said the bird
and flew effortlessly up into the air

—Anna Kamienska 
from Astonishments 
translated by Grazyna Drabik and David Curzon
with thanks to love is a place