Showing posts with label Hafiz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hafiz. Show all posts

Monday, January 27, 2025

I have come into this word to see this:


I have come into this world to see this:
the sword drop from men’s hands even at the height
of their arc of anger

because we have finally realized there is just one flesh to wound
and it is His – the Christ’s, our

I have come into this world to see this: all creatures hold hands as
we pass through this miraculous existence we share on the way
to even a greater being of soul,

a being of just ecstatic light, forever entwined and at play
with Him.

I have come into this world to hear this:

every song the earth has sung since it was conceived in
the Divine’s womb and began spinning from
His wish,

every song by wing and fin and hoof,
every song by hill and field and tree and woman and child,
every song of stream and rock,

every song of tool and lyre and flute,
every song of gold and emerald
and fire,

every song the heart should cry with magnificent dignity
to know itself as

for all other knowledge will leave us again in want and aching –
only imbibing the glorious Sun
will complete us.

I have come into this world to experience this:

men so true to love
they would rather die before speaking
an unkind

men so true their lives are His covenant –
the promise of

I have come into this world to see this:
the sword drop from men’s hands
even at the height of
their arc of

because we have finally realized
there is just one flesh

we can wound.

~ Hafiz
from Love Poems From God 
by Daniel Ladinsky
with thanks to

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

now is the time

Now is the time to know
That all that you do is sacred.

Now, why not consider
 A lasting truce with yourself and God.

Now is the time to understand 
That all your ideas of right and wrong 
Were just a child's training wheels 
To be laid aside 
When you finally live
 With veracity And love.

Hafiz is a divine envoy 
Whom the Beloved 
Has written a holy message upon.
My dear, please tell me, 
Why do you still 
Throw sticks at your heart 
And God?
What is it in that sweet voice inside 
That incites you to fear?

Now is the time for the world to know 
That every thought and action is sacred.

This is the time
 For you to compute the impossibility
 That there is anything
 But Grace.

Now is the season to know 
That everything you do Is sacred.

~ Hafiz
from Poetry of Presence 

Friday, November 8, 2024

stretch out

Leave the familiar for a while.
Let your senses and bodies stretch out
Like a welcomed season
Onto the meadows and shores and hills.
Open up to the Roof.

Make a new water-mark on your excitement
And love.
Like a blooming night flower,
Bestow your vital fragrance of happiness
And giving
Upon our intimate assembly.

Change rooms in your mind for a day.
All the hemispheres in existence
Lie beside an equator
In your heart.

Greet Yourself
In your thousand other forms
As you mount the hidden tide and travel
Back home.

All the hemispheres in heaven
Are sitting around a fire
While stitching themselves together
Into the Great Circle inside of

~ Hafiz

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

greet yourself in your thousand other forms

Leave the familiar for a while.
Let your senses and bodies stretch out

Like a welcomed season
Onto the meadows and shores and hills.
Open up to the Roof.
Make a new water-mark on your excitement
And love.
Like a blooming night flower,
Bestow your vital fragrance of happiness
And giving
Upon our intimate assembly.
Change rooms in your mind for a day.
All the hemispheres in existence
Lie beside an equator
In your heart.
Greet Yourself
In your thousand other forms
As you mount the hidden tide and travel
Back home.
All the hemispheres in heaven
Are sitting around a fire
While stitching themselves together
Into the Great Circle inside of

~ Hafiz

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

love lifts me

What we speak
becomes the house
we live in.
Who will want
to sleep in your bed
if the roof leaks
right above it?

Fear is the
cheapest room
in the house,
I would like
to see you living
in better conditions.

There is only one reason
we have followed God
into this world:
to encourage laughter,
dance and love ....

God and I are rushing
from every corner of
needing to say
we are yours.

The sun never says
to the earth,
even after all this time
“you owe me”.

I once asked a bird
how is it that you
fly in this gravity
of darkness?
she responded,
love lifts me.

I should not make
any promises right now
but I know if you pray
somewhere in this world
something good
will happen.

~ Hafiz
Daniel Ladinsky and
Robert Bly versions


Saturday, May 25, 2024

a leaf says


A leaf says,

“Sweethearts—don’t pick me,
For I am busy doing
God’s work.

I am lowering my veins and roots
Like ropes
With buckets tied to them
Into the earth’s deep

I am drawing water
That I offer like a rose to
The sky.

I am a singing cleaning woman
Dusting all the shelves in
The air
With my elegant green

I have a heart.
I can know happiness like

~ Hafiz
from The Subject Tonight is Love:
Sixty Wild and Sweet Poem of Hafiz
photo of Daisugi pruning technique


Saturday, May 18, 2024

angels grumble


Every time a man upon the path
Does not keep his

Some angels grumble
And have to remove a few of
The bets

They had placed upon
His heart
To win.

~ Hafiz
from The Subject Tonight is Love
translations by Daniel Ladinsky

Thursday, May 16, 2024

the kind of friend you are

This is the kind of Friend
You are -

Without making me realize
My soul's anguished history,
You slip into my house at night,
And while I am sleeping,
You silently carry off
All my suffering and sordid past 

In Your beautiful 


~ Hafiz
from The Subject Tonight is Love
translation by Daniel Ladinsky

Saturday, April 27, 2024

in a handful of God


Poetry reveals that there is no empty space.
When your truth forsakes its shyness,
When your fears surrender to your strengths,
You will begin to experience

That all existence
Is a teeming sea of infinite life.

In a handful of ocean water
You could not count all the finely tuned

Who are acting stoned
For very intelligent and sane reasons

And of course are becoming extremely sweet
And wild!

In a handful of the sky and earth,
In a handful of God,

We cannot count
All the ecstatic lovers who are dancing there
Behind the mysterious veil.

True art reveals there is no void
Or darkness.

There is no loneliness to the clear-eyed mystic
In this luminous, brimming
Playful world.

~ Hafiz
from The Subject Tonight is Love:
 60 Wild and Sweet Poems of Hafiz 
translated by Daniel Ladinsky
photo: Artists from Tjanpi Desert Weavers let their sisters fly,
 Papulankutja, Western Australia, 2015. 
Photograph: Annieka Skinner

Saturday, March 23, 2024

the simple joy


The time of judging
Who is drunk or sober,
Who is right and who is wrong
Who is closer to god, and who is farther away
All that is over

This caravan is led instead by a great delight,
The simple joy that sits with us now

That is the grace

~ Hafiz

Saturday, March 9, 2024

with that moon language

Admit something:

Everyone you see, you say to them, 
“Love me.”

Of course you do not do this out loud, 
Someone would call the cops.

Still though, think about this, 
This great pull in us 
To connect.

Why not become the one 
Who lives with a full moon in each eye
 That is always saying,

With that sweet moon 

What every other eye in this world
 Is dying to

~ Hafiz
from The Gift
Poems by Hafiz, 
the Great Sufi Master
translations by Daniel Ladinsky

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

act great

What is the key
To untie the knot of your mind’s suffering?

Is the esoteric secret
To slay the crazed one whom each of us
Did wed

And who can ruin
Our heart’s and eye’s exquisite tender

Hafiz has found
Two emerald words that

That I now cling to as I would sacred
Tresses of my Beloved’s 

Act great.
My dear, always act great.

What is the key
To untie the knot of the mind’s suffering?

Benevolent thought, sound
And movement.

~ Hafiz

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

I do not want to step so quickly


Do not
Want to step so quickly
Over a beautiful line on God's palm
As I move through the earth's

I do not want to touch any object in this world
Without my eyes testifying to the truth
That everything is
My Beloved.

Something has happened
To my understanding of existence
That now makes my heart always full of wonder
And kindness.

I do not
Want to step so quickly
Over this sacred place on God's body
That is right beneath your
Own foot

As I
Dance with
Precious life

~ Hafiz
from The Gift
translation by Daniel Ladinsky
photo by albert watson


Wednesday, November 25, 2020

holding hands



Out of a great need
we are all holding hands
and climbing.

Not loving is a letting go.

Listen,the terrain around here
far too

~ Hafiz

Thursday, July 30, 2020

traveling through

Death is a favour to us,
But our scales have lost their balance.
The impermanence of the body
Should give us great clarity, deepening the wonder in our
Senses and eyes
Of this mysterious existence we share
And surely are just traveling through.

If I were in the tavern tonight,
Hafiz would call for drinks
And as the Master poured, I would be reminded
That all I know of life and myself is that
We are just a mid-air flight of golden wine
Between His Pitcher and His cup.

If I were in the tavern tonight,
I would buy freely for everyone in this world
Because our marriage with the Cruel Beauty
Of time and space cannot endure very long.

Death is a favour to us,
But our minds have lost their balance.
The miraculous existence and impermanence of
Always makes the illumined ones
Laugh and sing.

~ Hafiz
from  The subject tonight is Love –  poems of Hafiz
Versions by Daniel Ladinsky

Sunday, July 5, 2020

more kind?

Once a man came to me and spoke for hours about
“His great visions of God” he felt he was having.

He asked me for confirmation, saying,
Are these wondrous dreams true?”

I replied, “How many goats do you have?”
He looked surprised and said,
“I am speaking of sublime visions
And you ask
About goats!”

And I spoke again saying,
“Yes, brother – how many do you have?”

“Well, Hafiz, I have sixty-two.”

“And how many wives?”

Again he looked surprised, then said,

“How many rose bushes in your garden,
How many children,
Are your parents still alive,
Do you feed the birds in winter?”

And to all he answered.

Then I said,
“You asked me if I thought your visions were true,
I would say that they were if they make you become
More human,

More kind to every creature and plant
That you know.

~ Hafiz
from The Gift: Poems by the Great Sufi Master


Friday, June 12, 2020

the jar I am becoming

The sky-wheel turns us into dawn
and fills creation again with color.

Let it be our weakness, this thirst-love
for the world, the sun coming up
like red-gold being poured!

The potter's wheel moves,
and shapes change quickly.

Let the jar I am becoming
turn into a wine cup.
Fill me with your love
for being awake.

I'm no hypocrite renunciate.
Call me this delicious substance
you taste when you create new beauty.

Be strong, Hafiz!
Work here inside time,
where we fail, catch hold
again, and climb.

~ Hafiz
from The Hand of Poetry
translation by Inayat Khan and Coleman Barks

Monday, June 8, 2020

luminous, brimming, playful

Poetry reveals that there is no empty space.

When your truth forsakes its shyness,
When your fears surrender to your strengths,
You will begin to experience
That all existence
Is a teeming sea of infinite life.

In a handful of ocean water
You could not count all the finely tuned
Who are acting stoned
For very intelligent and sane reasons
And of course are becoming extremely sweet
And wild!

In a handful of the sky and earth,
In a handful of God,
We cannot count
All the ecstatic lovers who are dancing there
Behind the mysterious veil.

True art reveals there is no void
Or darkness.
There is no loneliness to the clear-eyed mystic
In this luminous, brimming
Playful world. 

~  Hafiz
photo by  M. I. Walker
 with thanks to love is a place
 the more one looks with eyes of gratitude and appreciation,
the keener your sight will be, the more will be revealed to you, 
the gates of the garden will open here and now.


Friday, May 1, 2020

the grace

The time of judging
Who is drunk or sober,
Who is right and who is wrong,
Who is closer to god, and who is farther away,
All that is over.

This caravan is led instead by a great delight,
The simple joy that sits with us now.

That is the grace.

~ Hafiz

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

I follow barefoot


I long for You so much
I follow barefoot Your frozen tracks

That are high in the mountains
That I know are years old.

I long for You so much 
I have even begun to travel
Where I have never been before.

Hafiz, there is no one in this world
Who is not looking for God.

Everyone is trudging along
With as much dignity, courage
And style

As they possibly 

~ Hafiz
from The Subject Tonight is Love
translations by Daniel Ladinsky