As you may know, Dean is in need of a heart transplant.
Over the past 10 or 15 years, Dean has lived with a degenerative heart condition--congestive heart failure due to idiopathic hypotropic cardiomyopathy. After periods of more-or-less remission, in which his heart was stabilized and improved with the help of medications, the function of his heart has worsened. Now, radically.
a video by D.J. Dolack of the recent benefit reading for dean Young at the National Arts Club in Manhattan.
Readers include Robert N. Casper, Joe Di Prisco, Matthea Harvey, Edward Hirsch, Mary Karr, Matthew Rohrer, Gerald Stern and Dara Wier.
...and Dean Young on the telephone.
To make an online donation, please visit Dean Young's pageat the National Foundation for Transplants.
hold, now
.If they’re here—all females in a winter hive—they’re clustered together
inside (an oak tree), queen at the heart of their sisterhood. The fine,
Prayer for the World - Mirabai Starr
Beloved One,
Living Light
Spirit of all that is...
Be with us now
As we lean in to hear your call...
Divine Mother,
Embodiment of Mercy and Compassion,
Kavi Jezzie Hockaday - Tearing off the mask
I would rather burn for the truth than settle for illusion
I have no interest in armchair spirituality
no taste for polished wisdom neatly packaged in...
Teresa of Avila – I am for My Beloved
On Those Words “I am for My Beloved” by Teresa of Avila English version by
Megan Don Already I gave myself completely, and have changed in such a way
That ...
The fragility of it all
I was noticing there’s a bit more light now than there was just last week.
The darkness is yielding to the light, just as the stars do at dawn.
This time...
The Last Post
I know. I know. The last post appeared over a year ago. And the post before
that was . . . a year before that. Now it's obvious: this blog has run its
A runaway lover, text problems, and dinner duties
Dear Mr. Blue,
I’m a single 51-year-old who’s been enjoying the outdoorsy life in Denver
for the past fifteen years. I have a nice condo, good friends, a...
Vimeo Post
Breakfast agreeable incommode departure it an. By ignorant at on wondered
relation. Enough at tastes really so cousin am of. Extensive therefore