Friday, July 3, 2020

during a storm

You too are a tree. During a storm of emotions, 
you should not stay at the level of the head or the heart,
 which are like the top of the tree.
 You have to leave the heart, the eye of the storm,
 and come back to the trunk of the tree. 
Your trunk is one centimeter below your navel.
 Focus there, paying attention only to the movement 
of your abdomen, and continue to breathe.

~ Thích Nhất Hạnh


Mystic Meandering said...

Yes! the Hara, I've heard so many people say/write to come back to the heart, but the heart is not the "center of our being" - it's the center of emotions. So when in a storm it will not give us the stability and grounding we need... Thank you!