Saturday, May 18, 2024

the public bath


Imagine the phenomenal world as a furnace
heating water for the public bath.

Some people carry baskets of dung
to keep the furnace going,  Call them
materialists, energetic, fire-stoking citizens.

One of those brags how he's collected
and carried twenty dung baskets today,
while his friend has brought six!

They think the counting up at nightfall
is where truth lies. They love the smoke smell
of dried dung, and how it blazes up like gold!

If you give them musk or any fragrance
of soul intelligence, they find it unpleasant
and turn away. Others sit in the hot bathwater
and get clean. They use the world differently.

They love the feel of purity, and they have
dust marks on their foreheads from bowing down.
They are separated by a wall from those
who feed the fires, busy in the boiler room
belittling each other. Sometimes, though,
one of those leaves the furnace,
takes off the burnt smelling rags,
and sits in the cleansing water.

The mystery is how the obsessions
of the furnace stokers keep the bathwater
of the others simmering perfectly.

They seem opposed, but they're necessary
to each other's work: the proud piling up
of fire worship, the humble disrobing
and emptying out of purification.

As the sun dries wet dung to make it
ready to heat water, so dazzling
sparks fly from the burning filth.

~ Rumi
from The Book of Love
translations by Coleman Barks

angels grumble


Every time a man upon the path
Does not keep his

Some angels grumble
And have to remove a few of
The bets

They had placed upon
His heart
To win.

~ Hafiz
from The Subject Tonight is Love
translations by Daniel Ladinsky

Thursday, May 16, 2024

the kind of friend you are

This is the kind of Friend
You are -

Without making me realize
My soul's anguished history,
You slip into my house at night,
And while I am sleeping,
You silently carry off
All my suffering and sordid past 

In Your beautiful 


~ Hafiz
from The Subject Tonight is Love
translation by Daniel Ladinsky

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

the false dissolves when it is discovered


Contemplate life as infinite, undivided, ever present, ever active,
 until you realise yourself as one with it.

 It is not even very difficult, for you will be returning
 only to your own natural condition.

Once you realise that all comes from within, 
that the world in which you live has not been projected onto you but by you,
 your fear comes to an end. 

Without this realisation you identify yourself with the externals,
 like the body, mind, society, nation, humanity, even God or the Absolute.

 But these are all escapes from fear. 
It is only when you fully accept your responsibility
 for the little world in which you live and watch the process of its creation,
 preservation and destruction, that you may be free from your imaginary bondage.

 You are in bondage by inadvertence. Attention liberates. 
You are taking so many things for granted. Begin to question. 
The most obvious things are the most doubtful.
 Askyourself such questions as:
  'Am I really so-and-so?’
 ‘Who am I, anyhow?

  the false dissolves when it is discovered. 
All hangs on the idea 'I am'.

 Examine it very thoroughly. It lies at the root of every trouble.
It is a sort of skin that separates you from the reality.
 The real is both within and without the skin, but the skin itself is not real.

 This 'I am' idea was not born with you. 

~ Nisargadatta Maharaj
from I am That
with thanks to love is a place

Saturday, May 11, 2024

ready-made knowledge


The role of the teacher is to create the conditions for invention
 rather than provide ready-made knowledge.

 ~ Papert

Ready-made knowledge can only be memorized;
 knowledge is not truly our own until we are capable of reproducing
 the given content in a form of our own making. 

Memorizing is but a negative condition; true,
 organic assimilation is impossible without 
inner transformation of what we learn.

All rules for study are summed up in this one: 
learn only in order to create.

~ Schelling
from On University Studies 
with thanks to love is a place

(Seymour Papert, an MIT professor, believed that teachers
 should create conditions for invention rather than provide ready-made knowledge.
 He argued that students should be allowed to learn through
 exploration and discovery, rather than being told what to think.
 Papert's ideas have been influential
 in the development of constructivist learning theory, 
which emphasizes the importance of active learning
 and the construction of knowledge by the learner.)
~ AI generated

express in action what you are


Once you realize that the road is the goal and that you are always on the road,
not to reach a goal, but to enjoy its beauty and its wisdom,
life ceases to be a task and becomes natural and simple,
in itself an ecstasy.

After all, what do you really want?
Not perfection; you are already perfect.
What you seek is to express in action what you are.
For this you have a body and a mind.
Take them in hand and make them serve you.

~ Nisargadatta Maharaj
excerpts from I am That

Sunday, April 28, 2024

beyond our senses


Many claim to have found God in the mountains. 
I don’t know what God is, but I admit to having sought her there too.
 Whatever my search, I have found that the pursuit of scientific inquiry —
 its own, necessarily limited kind of truth-seeking — 
can be as much an act of devotion as it is scholarly meditation.

 For to pay attention to the world, to seek its stories, 
to run your fingers along some crack of rock or furrow of tree bark,
 to admire a raptor in flight, to look, closely, at the construction
 of a previously unencountered wildflower —
 to wonder and to seek answers to how these things 
might have come to be in the world — 
are themselves acts of devotion,
 ways of knowing, 
ways of longing for communion.

The world around us is not what we see. 
It holds a life-giving, gift-giving,
 invisible order everywhere and always. 
It is an order of musical and exultant beauty. 
It has a mysterious and radiant splendor. 
Everywhere we look, if we would look,
 the natural world is making beauty, 
without fanfare, and the work is so plain,
 intelligent, playful, and devoted, 
that there is only one word for it: 

There is something numinous and joyful in these encounters, 
a way in which the boundary between the world we sense
 and the world that is beyond our senses becomes, 
for the briefest of moments, thin —
 almost transparent.

Up too early again.
 Listening to the patter of rain dripping from the tree limbs
 onto the tent and the hush of the creek in the darkness.
 Breathing in the scent of earth and rain. 
I can’t believe we are here, 
surrounded by these old trees and mountains, 
with days ahead of us. I’m a little boy all over again, 
incredulous that this place actually exists, 
and I am here in it. 
I want to get up and wander 
down to the creek and feel its black,
 wet, cold aliveness on my skin.

~ Richard J. Nevle and Steven Nightingale
excerpts from The Paradise Notebooks:
 90 Miles across the Sierra Nevada
with thanks to 
The Marginalian by Maria Popova
art by Chiura Obata

making it our own


The question is asked, if life’s journey be endless where is its goal? 
The answer is, it is everywhere. 
We are in a palace which has no end, 
but which we have reached. 
By exploring it and extending 
our relationship with it
 we are ever making it more
 and more our own. 

The infant is born in the same universe where lives the adult of ripe mind.
 But its position is not like a schoolboy who has yet to learn his alphabet,
 finding himself in a college class. 

The infant has its own joy of life
 because the world is not a mere road, but a home,
of which it will have more and more as it grows up in wisdom. 

With our road the gain is at the end, 
but with this world of ours the gain is at every step;
 for it is the road and the home in one; 
it leads us on yet gives us shelter.

~ Rabindranath Tagore
 from The Essential Tagore
photo: termite mounds in Australia
by Brian W. Schaller

Saturday, April 27, 2024

well done or

For a man regards some deeds as well done and some as evil,
and our Lord does not regard them so,
for everything which exists in nature is of God’s creation,
so that everything which is done has the property of being God’s doing

~ Julian of Norwich
art: Sendan Kendatsuba, banishing evil
from the Nara national museum or Japan

in a handful of God


Poetry reveals that there is no empty space.
When your truth forsakes its shyness,
When your fears surrender to your strengths,
You will begin to experience

That all existence
Is a teeming sea of infinite life.

In a handful of ocean water
You could not count all the finely tuned

Who are acting stoned
For very intelligent and sane reasons

And of course are becoming extremely sweet
And wild!

In a handful of the sky and earth,
In a handful of God,

We cannot count
All the ecstatic lovers who are dancing there
Behind the mysterious veil.

True art reveals there is no void
Or darkness.

There is no loneliness to the clear-eyed mystic
In this luminous, brimming
Playful world.

~ Hafiz
from The Subject Tonight is Love:
 60 Wild and Sweet Poems of Hafiz 
translated by Daniel Ladinsky
photo: Artists from Tjanpi Desert Weavers let their sisters fly,
 Papulankutja, Western Australia, 2015. 
Photograph: Annieka Skinner

Monday, April 22, 2024

our separatedness and our grief


What gets you is the knowledge, and it sometimes can fall on you in a clap,
that the dead are gone absolutely from this world. As has been said around here
over and over again, you are not going to see them here anymore, ever.
Whatever was done or said before is done or said for good. Any questions
you think of that you ought to've asked while you had a chance are never
going to be answered. The dead know, and you don't.
And yet their absence puts them with you in a way they never were before.
You even maybe know them better than you did before. They stay with you,
and in a way you go with them. They don't live on in your heart, but your
 heart knows them. As your heart gets bigger on the inside, the world gets
bigger on the outside. If the dead had been alive only in this world, you
would forget them, looks like, as soon as they die. But you remember them, 
because they always were living in the other, bigger world while they lived 
in this little one, and this one and the other one are the same. You
can't see this with your eyes looking straight ahead. It's with your side vision, 
so to speak, that you see it. The longer I live, and the better acquainted
I am among the dead, the better I see it. I am telling what I know.

It's our separatedness and our grief that break the world in two.

~ Wendell Berry
from Stand by Me
art by Luke Marston
Coast Salish Artist

Sunday, April 21, 2024

what is loved


I said to God,

"What are you?"

"I am what is loved.  I am not what should be loved.
for how cruel that would then
be for my

~ Saint John of the Cross

how heaven pulls earth into its arms


Doctor, you say that there are no haloes
around the streetlights in Paris
and what I see is an aberration
caused by old age, an affliction.
I tell you it has taken me all my life
to arrive at the vision of gas lamps as angels,
to soften and blur and finally banish
the edges you regret I don't see,
to learn that the line I called the horizon
does not exist and sky and water,
so long apart, are the same state of being.
Fifty-four years before I could see
Rouen cathedral is built
of parallel shafts of sun,
and now you want to restore
my youthful errors: fixed
notions of top and bottom,
the illusion of three-dimensional space,
wisteria separate
from the bridge it covers.
What can I say to convince you
the Houses of Parliament dissolve
night after night to become
the fluid dream of the Thames?
I will not return to a universe
of objects that don't know each other,
as if islands were not the lost children
of one great continent. The world
is flux, and light becomes what it touches,
becomes water, lilies on water,
above and below water,
becomes lilac and mauve and yellow
and white and cerulean lamps,
small fists passing sunlight
so quickly to one another
that it would take long, streaming hair
inside my brush to catch it.
To paint the speed of light!
Our weighted shapes, these verticals,
burn to mix with air
and changes our bones, skin, clothes
to gases. Doctor,
if only you could see
how heaven pulls earth into its arms
and how infinitely the heart expands
to claim this world, blue vapor without end.

~ Lisel Mueller
from Second Language
Monet Refuses the Operation
with thanks to Poetry Chaikhana
art by Monet

Monday, April 15, 2024

The Way doesn't rise or fall

The Way doesn't rise or fall
those who are blind look for an advantage
sages and wise men escape from this world
where counterfeit truth prevails
rein in your senses don't indulge them
be ever mindful and nothing else
lose your body beneath a patched robe
and say good-bye to a thousand rebirths
A life lasts one hundred years
but which of us gets them all
precarious as a teetering thatched hut
or a leaking boat in a storm
mediocre monks are pathetic
would-be masters are sadder still
the world's empty ways aren't what they were
some days I shut my old gate tight
Green mist red clouds a trail through bamboo
and a hut where quiet lasts
just let go and worries end
stop to think and the mind reappears
an unpolished mirror holds millions of shapes
a bell doesn't ring until it is rung
our original nature is the real buddha
nothing solid or empty nothing old or new
A monk in the wild sits quiet and relaxed 
he survives all year on what karma brings
bamboo and yellow flowers occupy his thoughts
white clouds and streams simplify his life
he doesn't mistake a rock for a tiger on a hill
or the image of a bow for a snake in a bowl
in the woods he knows nothing of the world's affairs
at sunset he watches the crows return
~ Stonehouse
from "The Zen Works of Stonehouse"
Book One: Mountain Poems
translated by Red Pine

wild elegance

Beauty invites us towards profound elegance of soul.
 It reminds us that we are heirs to elegance and nobility of spirit 
and encourages us to awaken the divinity within us.  
We are no longer trapped in mental frames of self-reduction or self-denunciation.

Instead, we feel the desire to celebrate, to give ourselves over 
to the dance of joy and delight.   The overwhelming beauty 
which is God pervades the texture of our soul, transforming all smallness, 
limitation and self-division.  The mystics speak of the excitement of such unity. 
 This is how Marguerite Porete describes it: 

 'Such a Soul, says Love swims in the sea of joy, that is in the sea of delights,
 flowing and running out of the Divinity.  And so she feels no joy,
 for she is joy itself.  She swims and flows in Joy...
 for she dwells in Joy and Joy dwells in her.'   

When we acknowledge the wild beauty of God, we begin to glimpse
 the potential holiness of our neglected wildness.  As humans,
 citizens and believers, we have become domesticated beyond belief.  
We have fallen out of rhythm with our natural wildness.  
What we now call 'being wild' is often misshapen, destructive and violent.
  The natural wildness as the fluency of the soul at one with beauty is foreign to us.  

The call of the wild is a call to the elemental levels of the soul,
 the places of intuition, kinship, swiftness, fluency and the consolation 
of the lonesome that is not lonely.  Our fear of our own wildness 
derives in part from our fear of the formless; but the wild is not the formless
 - it holds immense refinement and, indeed, clarity. 
 The wild has a profound simplicity that carries none of the false burdens 
of brokenness or self-conflict; it flows naturally as one,
 elegant and seamless.  

~ John O'Donohue
from The Invisible Embrace, Beauty