Saturday, May 11, 2024

ready-made knowledge


The role of the teacher is to create the conditions for invention
 rather than provide ready-made knowledge.

 ~ Papert

Ready-made knowledge can only be memorized;
 knowledge is not truly our own until we are capable of reproducing
 the given content in a form of our own making. 

Memorizing is but a negative condition; true,
 organic assimilation is impossible without 
inner transformation of what we learn.

All rules for study are summed up in this one: 
learn only in order to create.

~ Schelling
from On University Studies 
with thanks to love is a place

(Seymour Papert, an MIT professor, believed that teachers
 should create conditions for invention rather than provide ready-made knowledge.
 He argued that students should be allowed to learn through
 exploration and discovery, rather than being told what to think.
 Papert's ideas have been influential
 in the development of constructivist learning theory, 
which emphasizes the importance of active learning
 and the construction of knowledge by the learner.)
~ AI generated