Tuesday, May 14, 2024

the false dissolves when it is discovered


Contemplate life as infinite, undivided, ever present, ever active,
 until you realise yourself as one with it.

 It is not even very difficult, for you will be returning
 only to your own natural condition.

Once you realise that all comes from within, 
that the world in which you live has not been projected onto you but by you,
 your fear comes to an end. 

Without this realisation you identify yourself with the externals,
 like the body, mind, society, nation, humanity, even God or the Absolute.

 But these are all escapes from fear. 
It is only when you fully accept your responsibility
 for the little world in which you live and watch the process of its creation,
 preservation and destruction, that you may be free from your imaginary bondage.

 You are in bondage by inadvertence. Attention liberates. 
You are taking so many things for granted. Begin to question. 
The most obvious things are the most doubtful.
 Askyourself such questions as:
  'Am I really so-and-so?’
 ‘Who am I, anyhow?

  the false dissolves when it is discovered. 
All hangs on the idea 'I am'.

 Examine it very thoroughly. It lies at the root of every trouble.
It is a sort of skin that separates you from the reality.
 The real is both within and without the skin, but the skin itself is not real.

 This 'I am' idea was not born with you. 

~ Nisargadatta Maharaj
from I am That
with thanks to love is a place