Wednesday, March 15, 2023

whatever you frequently think


 Whatever you frequently think and ponder upon, 
that will become the inclination of your mind.
 ~  Buddha
The heart takes on the attributes and colors of that toward which it is inclined.
 It even becomes the same as that toward which it has turned. 

 It only takes on a form according to the thought that comes to it.
 It is for this reason that two ideas cannot exist within the heart simultaneously,
 for the heart takes on completely the form of whatever idea comes to it.
 The heart becomes that thought itself. Then another thought can no longer be contained within it.
 It is like the water of the sea: when water forms a wave, that that wave
 could also take the form of another wave is inconceivable. 
In the same moment there cannot be two waves in the same place. Understand this.

Within the chest of each human being there is one single heart. 
Whether this heart inclines to one Self or to many attributes,
 it takes on the form of whatever it is that it inclines towards.

~ Niyazi Misri
from feast #51
Translated by Camille Helminski and Refik Algan