Tuesday, March 4, 2025

the sight which regards the ebb and flow of good and ill


Through love bitter things seem sweet,
Through love bits of copper are made gold.

Through love dregs taste like pure wine,
Through love pains are as healing balms.

Through love thorns become roses,
And through love vinegar becomes sweet wine.

Through love the stake becomes a throne,
Through love reverse of fortune seems good fortune.

Through love a prison seems a rose bower,
Without love a grate full of ashes seems a garden.

Through love burning fire is pleasing light,
Through love the Devil becomes a Houri.

Through love hard stones become soft as butter,
Without love soft wax becomes hard iron.

Through love grief is as joy,
Through love Ghouls turn into angels.

Through love stings are as honey,
Through love lions are harmless as mice.

Through love sickness is health,
Through love wrath is as mercy.

Through love the dead rise to life,
Through love the king becomes a slave.

Even when an evil befalls you, have due regard;
Regard well him who does you this ill turn.

The sight which regards the ebb and flow of good and ill
Opens a passage for you from misfortune to happiness.

Thence you see the one state moves you into the other,
One opposite state generating its opposite in exchange.

~ Rumi
from The Spiritual couplets of 
Maulana Jalalu-'D-Din Muhammad Rumi
translated and abridged by
E.H. Whinfield
with thanks to No Mind's Land