Tuesday, June 18, 2024

an "I" that is a subject


the true inner self, the true indestructible and immortal
person, the true "I" who answers to a new and secret
name known only to himself and to God, does not
"have" anything, even "contemplation." This "I" is not
the kind of subject that can amass experiences, reflect
on them, reflect on himself, for this "I" is not the super-
ficial and empirical self that we know in our everyday

as long as there is an "I" that is the definite subject of a
contemplative experience, an "I" that is aware of itself
and it's contemplation, an "I" that can possess a certain 
"degree of spirituality," then we have not yet passed over
the Red Sea, we have not yet "gone out of Egypt." We
remain in the realm of multiplicity, activity, incompleteness,
striving and desire.

the separate entity that is you apparently disappears and
nothing seems to be left but a pure Freedom, love identified 
with Love. Not two loves, one waiting for the other, striving
for the other, seeking for the other, but Love Loving in

you do not take the step; you do not know the transition;
you do not fall into anything. You do not go anywhere,
and so you do not know the way by which you came back
afterward. You are certainly not lost. You do no fly. There
is no space, or there is all space: it makes no difference.

~ Thomas Merton
from Merton's Palace of Nowhere
by James Finley