Sunday, March 28, 2010


I often dream about falling. 
Such dreams are commonplace to the ambitious or those who climb mountains. 
Lately I dreamed I was clutching at the face of a rock, but it would not hold. 
Gravel gave way, I grasped for a shrub, but it pulled loose, 
and in cold terror I fell into the abyss. 
Suddenly I realized that my fall was relative; 
there was no bottom and no end. 
A feeling of pleasure overcame me.
 I realized that what I embody, the principle of life, 
cannot be destroyed.
 It is written into the cosmic code,
 the order of the universe. 
As I continued to fall in the dark void, 
embraced by the vault of the heavens, 
I sang to the beauty of the stars and made peace with the darkness.

 Heinz Pagels