Wednesday, March 2, 2011

cold light



Diamond-like clarity travels cold
the manifold currents, cracks self-concern,
reveals self-suffering, crumbles
the crooked walls of the darkness
of presumed otherness
This far-reaching indifference of wisdom
vision unfolds an always lurking compassion
only when fused in communal warmth,
only by passage in the movement of breath
Breath, the reach of hearts,
the rhythm of living and dying,
the reach solitary voices
meeting in the night.

~ Jane Hirshfield
from After


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

the sanity I had been taught

When the desire for the Friend became real,
all existence fell behind.
The Beloved wasn't interested in my reasoning,
I threw it away and became silent.
The sanity I had been taught became a bore,
it had to be ushered off.
Insane, silent and in bliss,
I spend my days with my head
at the feet of My Beloved. 

~ Abu-Said Abil-Kheir

Shaikh Abu-Said Abil-Kheir was one of the earlier Sufi poets. He lived more than two centuries before Jelaluddin Rumi yet, like Rumi, much of his mysticism follows a similar path of annihilation in divine Love.
Abu-Said's poetry ranges from the ecstatic and celestial, to struggles with abandonment. His poetry has an immediacy and even a sort of devoutly wry petulance that can draw comparisons with the great Bengali poet, Ramprasad.
Abu Said referred to himself as “Nobody, Son of Nobody,” to convey the mystic's sense of having completely merged or disappeared into the Divine, leaving no trace of the ego behind.
He lived in Mayhana in what is modern day Turkmenistan, just north of Iran and Afghanistan in Central Asia.

with thanks to poetry chaikhana

Monday, February 28, 2011




It is conceit that kills us 
and makes us cowards instead of gods. 
Under the great Command: Know thy self, and that thou art mortal! 
we have become fatally self-conscious, fatally self-important, fatally entangled in the cocoon coils of our conceit. 
Now we have to admit we can't know ourselves, we can only know about ourselves. 
And I am not interested to know about myself any more, 
I only entangle myself in the knowing. 
Now let me be myself, 
now let me be myself, and flicker forth, 
now let me be myself, in the being, one of the gods. 

~ D.H. Lawrence


for a leader



May the gift of leadership awaken in you as a vocation,
Keep you mindful of the providence that calls you to serve.
As high over the mountains the eagle spreads its wings,
May your perspective be larger than the view from the foothills.
When the way is flat and dull in times of gray endurance,
May your imagination continue to evoke horizons.
When thirst burns in times of drought,
May you be blessed to find the wells.
May you have the wisdom to read time clearly
And know when the seed of change will flourish.
In your heart may there be a sanctuary
For the stillness where clarity is born.
May your work be infused with passion and creativity
And have the wisdom to balance compassion and challenge.
May your soul find the graciousness
To rise above the fester of small mediocrities.
May your power never become a shell
Wherein your heart would silently atrophy.
May you welcome your own vulnerability
As the ground where healing and truth join.
May integrity of soul be your first ideal.
The source that will guide and bless your work.

~ John O'Donohue
from To Bless the Space Between Us
photo by Reuters





The incarnate Word is with us,
is still speaking, is present
always, yet leaves no sign
but everything that is.


~ Wendell Berry
from Given
IX, Sabbaths 1999


a pile of ashes

Your pride in yourself and your wanting,
these steal your energy along the road.

If you can kill these robbers
and become the servant of everyone,
you'll meet the Lord in meditation
and see what you used to protect
as just a pile of ashes.

~ Lalla
from Naked Song
translations by Coleman Barks

Friday, February 25, 2011

beyond the grey continent

It must be those brief moments
when nothing has happened - nor is going to.
Tiny moments, like islands in the ocean
beyond the grey continent of our ordinary days.
There, sometimes, you meet your own heart
like someone you've never known.

~ Hans Børli


Thursday, February 24, 2011

if you love

You might quiet the whole world for a second
if you pray.
And if you love, if you
really love,
our guns will

~ St. John of the Cross


to just be close

I was sad one day and went for a walk;
I sat in a field.
A rabbit noticed my condition and 
came near.
It often does not take more than that to help at times -
to just be close to creatures who
are so full of knowing,
so full of love
that they don't
- chat,
they just gaze with
marvelous understanding.

~ St. John of the Cross
from Love Poems from God
translations by Daniel Ladinsky


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

oneness into many


As the same fire assumes different shapes
When it consumes objects differing in shape,
So does the one Self take the shape
Of every creature in whom he is present.
As the same air assumes different shapes
When it enters objects differing in shape,
So does the one Self take the shape
Of every creature in whom he is present.
The ruler supreme, inner Self of all,
Multiplies his oneness into many.
Eternal joy is theirs who see the Self
In their own hearts.  To none else does it come!

~ Katha Upanishad
translation by Eknath Easwaran


Tuesday, February 22, 2011



Some aggravations include the whole world.
What can you do?  An old pulp-cutter
Longs to die, imagines
The Easter nails.
On his Icelandic farm, Guttorm hears
The news: his two sons
Dead.  He pulls the covers
Up over his head.
Some oak leaves hang, others fall.
The body says, "It's all right
To die.  It's not an insult
To the world."

~ Robert Bly
from Morning Poems


winter afternoon by the lake


Black trunks, black branches, and white snow.
No one nearby, five o'clock, below zero,
Late January. No birds. No wind.
You look, and your life seems stopped.  Perhaps
You died suddenly earlier today.  But the thin
Moon says no.  The trees say, "It's been this way
Before, often.  It's cold, but it's quiet."  We've experienced
This before, among the messy Saxons putting back
The hide flap.  A voice says: "It's old.  You'll never
See this again, the way it is now, because
Just today you sensed that someone gave you
Life and said, 'Stay as long as you like.'"
The snow and the black trees, pause, to see if we're
Ready to re-enter that stillness.  "Not yet."

~ Robert Bly
For Owen
from Morning Poems





That which offers no resistance,
overcomes the hardest substances.
That which offers no resistance
can enter where there is no space.
Few in the world can comprehend
the teaching without words,
or understand the value of non-action.


~ Lao Tzu
from The Tao Te Ching
translation j.h. mcdonald


Monday, February 21, 2011

a way between voice and presence


Not Christian or Jew or Muslim, not Hindu
Buddhist, sufi, or zen. Not any religion
or cultural system. I am not from the East
or the West, not out of the ocean or up
from the ground, not natural or ethereal, not
composed of elements at all. I do not exist,
am not an entity in this world or in the next,
did not descend from Adam and Eve or any
origin story. My place is placeless, a trace
of the traceless. Neither body or soul.
I belong to the beloved, have seen the two
worlds as one and that one call to and know,
first, last, outer, inner, only that
breath breathing human being.

There is a way between voice and presence
where information flows.
In disciplined silence it opens.
With wandering talk it closes.

~ Rumi
translation by Coleman Barks


this press of time

We set the pace,
But this press of time –
take it as a little thing
next to what endures.

All this hurrying
soon will be over
Only when we tarry
do we touch the holy.
Young ones,
don’t waste your courage
racing so fast
flying so high.

See how all things are at rest –
darkness and morning light
blossom and book.

~ Rainer Maria Rilke