Saturday, March 26, 2022

walking with those who've come before and those who will follow


When we take a step on the green grass of spring, we walk in such a way
 that allows all our ancestors to take a step with us. Our peace, our joy,
 our freedom, which are in each step, penetrate each generation of our ancestors 
and each generation of our descendants. If we can walk like that,
 that is a step taken in the highest dhyana (training of the mind).

When we take one step we see hundreds and thousands of ancestors 
and descendants taking a step with us, and when we take a breath
 we are light, at ease, calm. We breathe in such a way that all the generations
 of ancestors are breathing with us and all the generations of our descendants
 are also breathing with us […] if we breathe like that, 
only then are we breathing according to the highest teachings.

We just need a little mindfulness, a little concentration and then we can look
 deeply and see. At first we use the method of visualization and we see,
as we walk, all the ancestors putting their foot down as we put our foot down, 
and gradually we don’t need to visualize any more – each step we take, 
we see that that step is the step of people in the past.

~ Thich Naht Hanh
with thanks to Love is a Place