But sweeter still than laughter
and greater than longing came to me.
It was the boundless in you;
The vast man in whom you are all but cells and sinews;
He in whose chant all your singing
is but a soundless throbbing.
It is in the vast man that you are vast,
And in beholding him
that I beheld you
and loved you.
For what distances can love reach
that are not in that vast sphere?
What visions, what expectations
and what presumptions can outsoar that flight?
Like a giant oak tree covered with apple blossoms
is the vast man in you.
His might binds you to the earth,
his fragrance lifts you into space,
and in his durability you are deathless.
~ Kahlil Gibran
from The Prophet
photo by Jack Spenser
gorgeous. thank you.
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