Sunday, February 7, 2010

This Phenomenal Absence


NOWHERE, WHERE I am an object, am I; 
nor where any part of  "me" is an object is it part of me or is mine.
  Only here where I can see nothing (but the objective universe) am I
 - and I am only an absence objectively.
When I realize that, I cease also to be an individual "I"
 for anything individual is thereby an object.
My only existence is non objective,  as non - objectivity itself.
I cannot be portrayed in any way, drawn, photographed or described. 
 That which impersonally I am has no qualities or resemblance
 to an individual subject - object, which is purely conceptual.
Note:  A "self", an "ego", any kind of separated personality or being, is an object.  
That is why nothing of the kind is - as the Diamond Sutra so repeatedly insists.
My objective self only has a conceptual existence.
Non - objectively I am the apparent universe.
Identifying myself with my conceptual object is what constitutes bondage.
  Realizing that my conceptual object only exists in so far as it
 and its subject are THIS phenomenal absence and now - constitutes liberation.
I am my phenomenal absence.

~ Wei Wu Wei
 from  All else is Bondage