Friday, October 9, 2009

Spring paints the countryside.
Cypress trees grow even more beautiful,
but let's stay inside.

Lock the door.
Come to me naked.
No one's here.

~ Rumi

since feeling is first

since feeling is first
who pays any attention
to the syntax of things
will never wholly kiss you;

wholly to be a fool
while Spring is in the world
my blood approves,
and kisses are a better fate
than wisdom

lady i swear by all flowers. Don't cry
-the best gesture of my brain is less than
your eyelids' flutter which says

we are for each other:then
laugh,leaning back in my arms
for life's not a paragraph

And death i think is no parenthesis

~ e.e.cummings


When I'm with you we stay up all night

When I'm with you
we stay up all night

When you're not here
I can't get to sleep

Thank god for these two insomnias
and the difference between them.

~ Rumi

A Blessing of Angels

May the angels in their beauty bless you.
May they turn toward you streams of blessing. 
May the Angel of Awakening stir your heart
To come alive to the eternal within you,
To all the invitations that quietly surround you. 
May the Angel of Healing turn your wounds
Into sources of refreshment. 
May the Angel of the Imagination enable you
To stand on the true thresholds,
At ease with your ambivalence
And drawn in new directions
Through the glow of your contradictions. 
May the Angel of Compassion open your eyes
To the unseen suffering around you. 
May the Angel of Wildness disturb the places
Where your life is domesticated and safe,
Take you to the territories of true otherness
Where all that is awkward in you
Can fall into its own rhythm. 
May the Angel of Eros introduce you
To the beauty of your senses
To celebrate your inheritance
As a temple of the holy spirit. 
May the Angel of Justice disturb you
To take the side of the poor and the wronged. 
May the Angel of Encouragement confirm you
In worth and self-respect,
That you may live with the dignity
That presides in your soul. 
May the Angel of Death arrive only 
When your life is complete
And you have brought every given gift
To the threshold where its infinity can shine. 
May all the Angels be your sheltering
And joyful guardians.

~ John O'Donohue

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Gardener

No, my friends, I shall never be an
ascetic, whatever you may say.
I shall never be an ascetic if she
does not take the vow with me.
It is my firm resolve that if I
cannot find a shady shelter and a
companion for my penance, I shall
never become an ascetic.
No, my friends, I shall never leave
my hearth and home, and retire into
the forest's solitude, if rings no merry
laughter in its echoing shade and if
the end of no saffron mantle flutters
in the wind; if its silence is not
deepened by soft whispers.
I shall never be an ascetic.
~ Rabindranath Tagore


from the Tao Teh Ching

There was something
formless and perfect
before the universe was born.
It is serene. Empty.
Solitary. Unchanging.
Infinite. Eternally present.
It is the mother of the universe.
For lack of a better name,
I call it the Tao.
It flows through all things,
inside and outside, and returns
to the origin of all things.
The Tao is great.
The universe is great.
Earth is great
Man is great.
These are the four great powers.
Man follows the earth.
Earth follows the universe.
The universe follows the Tao.
The Tao follows only itself.
~ Lao-tzu

from Don Quixote

"It seems to me," said Sancho, "that the knights who did all these things were driven to them... but... why should you go mad? What lady has rejected you?
"That is exactly it," replied Don Quixote, "that's just how beautifully I've worked it all out - because for a knight errant to go mad for good reason, how much is 
that worth? My idea is to become a lunatic for no reason at all."

~ Miguel de Cervantes


An Embarrassment

"Do you want to ask
the blessing?"
"No If you do,
go ahead."
He went ahead:
his prayer dressed up
in Sunday clothes
rose a few feet
and dropped with a soft
If a lonely soul
did ever cry out
in company its true
outcry to God,
it would be as though
at a sedate party
a man suddenly removed his clothes
and took his wife
passionately into his arms.
~ Wendell Berry


No man can be said to be perfectly happy

No man can be said to be perfectly happy 
that runs the risk of disappointment;
which is the case of every man 
that fears or hopes for anything.

~ Seneca


The body

The body
is a single creature, whole,
its life is one, never less than one, or more,
so is its world, and so 
are two bodies in their love for one another
one. In ignorance of this
we talk ourselves to death.
~ Wendell Berry


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Give it Time

The river is of the earth
And it is free. It is rigorously
Embanked and bound,
And yet is free.  “To hell
With restraint,” it says.
“I have got to be going.”
It will grind out its dams.
It will go over or around them.
They will become pieces
~ Wendell Berry

On the Nature of Love


The night is black and the forest has no end;
a million people thread it in a million ways.
We have trysts to keep in the darkness, but where
or with whom -- of that we are unaware.
But we have this faith -- that a lifetime's bliss
will appear any minute, with a smile upon its lips.
Scents, touches, sounds, snatches of songs
brush us, pass us, give us delightful shocks.
Then peradventure there's a flash of lightning:
whomever I see that instant I fall in love with.
I call that person and cry: 'This life is blest!
For your sake such miles have I traversed!'
All those others who came close and moved off
in the darkness -- I don't know if they exist or not.

~ Rabindranath Tagore



She who did not come, wasn't she determined
 nonetheless to organize and decorate my heart?
If we had to exist to become the one we love,
what would the heart have to create?
Lovely joy left blank, perhaps you are
the center of all my labors and my loves.
If I've wept for you so much, it's because
I preferred you among so many outlined joys.

 ~ Rainer Maria Rilke


from Act III of 'Man and Superman'


Don Juan: When I was on earth, and made those proposals to ladies which, though universally condemned, have made me so interesting a hero of legend, I was not infrequently met in some such way as this. The lady would say that she would countenance my advances, provided they were honourable. On inquiring what that proviso meant, I found that it meant that I proposed to get possession of her property if she had any, or to undertake her support for life if she had not; that I desired her continual companionship, counsel, and conversation to the end of my days, and would take a most solemn oath to be always enraptured by them above all, that I would turn my back on all other women for ever for her sake. I did not object to these conditions because they were exorbitant and inhuman: it was their extraordinary irrelevance that prostrated me. I invariably replied with perfect frankness that I had never dreamt of any of these things ... that her constant companionship might, for all I knew, become intolerably tedious to me; that I could not answer for my feelings for a week in advance, much less to the end of my life; that to cut me off from all natural and unconstrained intercourse with half my fellow creatures would narrow and warp me ... that, finally, my proposals to her were wholly unconnected with any of these matters, and were the outcome of a perfectly simple impulse of my manhood towards her womanhood.

Ana: You mean that it was an immoral impulse.

Don Juan: Nature, my dear lady, is what you call immoral. I blush for it; but I cannot help it. 


~ George Bernard Shaw


Why don't we just expand ourselves into our perfect form

Why don't we just expand ourselves into our perfect form, our perfect being? We have perceptions and energies and inspiration. We have everything. We have a spiritual friend, we have the teaching. We have everything. What more do we want? We have everything in this whole universe. We have everything there. We have intelligence and understanding and the materials to understand. We have everything.

~ Chogyam Trungpa

from 'Fez'


They love the sound of a fountain splashing in the courtyard; on the coals of their braziers they sprinkle sandalwood and benzoin; they have a passion for sitting on a high spot of ground at twilight and watching the slow change of light, color and form in the landscape. Outside the ramparts are innumerable orchards, delightful little wildernesses of canebrake, where olive and fig trees abound. It is the custom of families to go out there on a late afternoon with their rugs, braziers and tea equipment. One discovers groups of such picnickers in the most secluded corners of the countryside, particularly on the northern slopes above the valley. Not long ago on one of my walks I came across a family spread out in the long grass. They were sitting quietly on their reed mats, but something in their collective attitude made me stop and observe them more closely. Then I saw that surrounding them at a radius of perhaps a hundred feet was a circle of bird cages, each supported by a stake driven into the ground. There were birds in all the cages and they were singing. The entire family sat there happily, listening. As urbanites in other places carry along their radios, they had brought their birds with them from the town, purely for entertainment. 
~ Paul Bowles


from 'It's a Wonderful Life'

George Bailey: Now, will you do something for me?
Zuzu Bailey: What?
George Bailey: Will you try and get some sleep?
Zuzu Bailey: I'm not sleepy. I want to look at my flower.
George Bailey: I know-I know, but you just go to sleep, and then you can dream about it, and it'll be a whole garden.
Zuzu Bailey: It will?
George Bailey: Uh-huh. 

~ Francis Goodrich and Allen Hackett


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I Sing the Body Electric


This is the female form;

A divine nimbus exhales from it from head to foot;

It attracts with fierce undeniable attraction!

I am drawn by its breath as if I were no more than a helpless vapor—

~ Walt Whitman

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.
 Live the life you have imagined.

~ Henry David Thoreau

O You Whom I Often and Silently Come


O YOU whom I often and silently come where you are, that I may be with you; 
As I walk by your side, or sit near, or remain in the same room with you, 
Little you know the subtle electric fire that for your sake is playing within me.
~ Walt Whitman

from 'A Streetcar Named Desire' (1951)

Blanche: You're married to a madman.
Stella: I wish you'd stop taking it for granted that I'm in something I want to get out of.
Blanche: What you are talking about is desire - just brutal Desire. The name of that rattle-trap streetcar that bangs through the Quarter, up one old narrow street and down another.
Stella: Haven't you ever ridden on that streetcar?
Blanche: It brought me here. Where I'm not wanted and where I'm ashamed to be.
Stella: Don't you think your superior attitude is a little out of place?
Blanche: May I speak plainly?... If you'll forgive me, he's common... He's like an animal. He has an animal's habits. There's even something subhuman about him. Thousands of years have passed him right by, and there he is. Stanley Kowalski, survivor of the Stone Age, bearing the raw meat home from the kill in the jungle. And you - you here waiting for him. Maybe he'll strike you or maybe grunt and kiss you, that's if kisses have been discovered yet...
~ Tennessee Williams


Beagle Diary, February 29th 1832


The day has passed delightfully: delight is however a weak term for such transports of pleasure: I have been wandering by myself in a Brazilian forest: amongst the multitude it is hard to say what set of objects is most striking; the general luxuriance of the vegetation bears the victory, the elegance of the grasses, the novelty of the parasitical plants, the beauty of the flowers. ...the glossy green of the foliage, all tend to this end. ... A most paradoxical mixture of sound and silence pervades the shady parts of the wood, ... the noise from the insects is so loud that in the evening it can be heard even in a vessel anchored several hundred yards from the shore. ... Yet within the recesses of the forest when in the midst of it a universal stillness appears to reign. ... To a person fond of natural history such a day as this brings with it pleasure more acute than he ever may again experience.
~ Charles Darwin


Monday, October 5, 2009

Dream Keeper

Bring me all of your dreams,
You dreamer,
Bring me all your
Heart melodies
That I may wrap them
In a blue cloud-cloth
Away from the too-rough fingers
Of the world.

~ Langston Hughes


Granite and Wineglass

You are granite.
I am an empty wineglass.
You know what happens when we touch!
You laugh like the sun coming up laughts
at a star that disappears into it.
Love opens my chest, and thought
returns to its confines.
Patience and rational considerations leave.
Only passion stays, whimpering and feverish.
Some men fall down in the road like dregs thrown out.
Then, totally reckless, the next morning
the gallop out with new purposes.  Love
is the reality, and poetry is the drum
that calls us to that.  Don't keep complaining
about loneliness! Let the fear-language of that theme
crack open and float away.  Let the priest come down
from his tower, and not go back up!
~ Rumi

~ from - ' I AM THAT'

"Wisdom says, 'I am nothing'.
 Love says, 'I am everything'.
 Between the two my life flows."
~ Sri Nisargadatta 

As a result of a thousand million
years of evolution, the universe
is becoming conscious
of itself.

~ Julian Huxley

This we have now

This we have now
is not imagination.
This is not
grief or joy.
Not a judging state,
or an elation,
or sadness.
Those come and go.
This is the presence that doesn't.
~ Rumi

lady, i will touch you with my mind

lady, i will touch you with my mind.
touch you and touch and touch
until you give
me suddenly a smile, shyly obscene

(lady i will
touch you with my mind.) Touch
you,that is all,

lightly and you utterly will become
with infinite care

the poem which i do not write. 

~ e.e.cummings


Sunday, October 4, 2009

2 little whos

2 little whos
(he and she)
under are this
wonderful tree
smiling stand
(all realms of where
and when beyond)
now and here
(far from a grown
-up i&you-
ful world of known)
who and who
(2 little ams
and over them this
aflame with dreams
incredible is)

~ e.e.cummings

When you were a tadpole and I was a fish

When you were a tadpole and I was a fish
In the Paleozoic time,
And side by side on the ebbing tide
We sprawled through the ooze and slime,
Or skittered with many a caudal flip
Through the depths of the Cambrian fen,
My heart was rife with the joy of life,
For I loved you even then.

Mindless we lived and mindless we loved
And mindless at last we died;
And deep in the rift of the Caradoc drift
We slumbered side by side.
The world turned on in the lathe of time,
The hot lands heaved amain,
Till we caught our breath from the womb of death
And crept into light again.

We were amphibians, scaled and tailed,
And drab as a dead man's hand;
We coiled at ease 'neath the dripping trees
Or trailed through the mud and sand.

Croaking and blind, with our three-clawed feet
Writing a language dumb,
With never a spark in the empty dark
To hint at a life to come.

Yet happy we lived and happy we loved,
And happy we died once more;
Our forms were rolled in the clinging mold
Of a Neocomian shore.
The eons came and the eons fled
And the sleep that wrapped us fast
Was riven away in a newer day
And the night of death was past.

Then light and swift through the jungle trees
We swung in our airy flights,
Or breathed in the balms of the fronded palms
In the hush of the moonless nights;
And, oh! what beautiful years were there
When our hearts clung each to each;
When life was filled and our senses thrilled
In the first faint dawn of speech.

Thus life by life and love by love
We passed through the cycles strange,
And breath by breath and death by death
We followed the chain of change.
Till there came a time in the law of life
When over the nursing side
The shadows broke and soul awoke
In a strange, dim dream of God.

I was thewed like an Auruch bull
And tusked like the great cave bear;
And you, my sweet, from head to feet
Were gowned in your glorious hair.
Deep in the gloom of a fireless cave,
When the night fell o'er the plain
And the moon hung red o'er the river bed
We mumbled the bones of the slain.

I flaked a flint to a cutting edge
And shaped it with brutish craft;
I broke a shank from the woodland lank
And fitted it, head and haft;
Then I hid me close to the reedy tarn,
Where the mammoth came to drink;
Through the brawn and bone I drove the stone
And slew him upon the brink.

Loud I howled through the moonlit wastes,
Loud answered our kith and kin;
From west and east to the crimson feast
The clan came tramping in.
O'er joint and gristle and padded hoof
We fought and clawed and tore,
And check by jowl with many a growl
We talked the marvel o'er.

I carved that fight on a reindeer bone
With rude and hairy hand;
I pictured his fall on the cavern wall
That men might understand.
For we lived by blood and the right of might
Ere human laws were drawn,
And the age of sin did not begin
Till our brutal tush were gone.

And that was a million years ago
In a time that no man knows;
Yet here tonight in the mellow light
We sit at Delmonico's.
Your eyes are deep as the Devon springs,
Your hair is dark as jet,
Your years are few, your life is new,
Your soul untried, and yet -

Our trail is on the Kimmeridge clay
And the scarp of the Purbeck flags;
We have left our bones in the Bagshot stones
And deep in the Coralline crags;
Our love is old, our lives are old,
And death shall come amain;
Should it come today, what man may say
We shall not live again?

God wrought our souls from the Tremadoc beds
And furnished them wings to fly;
We sowed our spawn in the world's dim dawn,
And I know that it shall not die,
Though cities have sprung above the graves
Where the crook-bone men make war
And the oxwain creaks o'er the buried caves
Where the mummied mammoths are.

Then as we linger at luncheon here
O'er many a dainty dish,
Let us drink anew to the time when you
Were a tadpole and I was a fish. 

~ Langdon Smith 



I sat there singing her
Songs in the dark.

She said;
"I do not understand
The words".

I said;
"There are
No words". 

~ Langston Hughes 


Behind matter

Behind matter there is some kind of heat, around
and behind things,
so that what we experience is not the turtle nor the
night only,
not the rising whirlwind, not the certainty, nor the steady gaze.

~ Robert Bly


Essence is what is born in you

Essence is what is born in you, personality is what you acquire. 
Essence is your own, personality is not your own. 
Personality is too heavy, too strong;
 it surrounds Essence like a shell, 
so nothing can reach it directly,
 everything has to pass through personality. 
Essence cannot grow in these conditions, 
but if personality becomes more transparent,
 impressions and external influences will 
penetrate through it and reach Essence, 
and Essence will begin to grow.

~ PD Ouspensky


Saturday, October 3, 2009

I seem to have loved you…In life after life, in age after age, forever.

I seem to have loved you in numberless forms, numberless times…
In life after life, in age after age, forever.
My spellbound heart has made and remade the necklace of songs,
That you take as a gift, wear round your neck in your many forms,
In life after life, in age after age, forever.

Whenever I hear old chronicles of love, it's age-old pain,
It's ancient tale of being apart or together.
As I stare on and on into the past, in the end you emerge,
Clad in the light of a pole-star piercing the darkness of time:
You become an image of what is remembered forever.

You and I have floated here on the stream that brings from the fount.
At the heart of time, love of one for another.
We have played along side millions of lovers, shared in the same
Shy sweetness of meeting, the same distressful tears of farewell-
Old love but in shapes that renew and renew forever.

Today it is heaped at your feet, it has found its end in you
The love of all man’s days both past and forever:
Universal joy, universal sorrow, universal life.
The memories of all loves merging with this one love of ours – 

And the songs of every poet past and forever. 

~ Rabindranath Tagore