Tuesday, August 25, 2020

and all shall be well

We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.

Through the unknown, unremembered gate
When the last of earth left to discover
Is that which was the beginning;

At the source of the longest river
The voice of the hidden waterfall
And the children in the apple-tree
Not known, because not looked for
But heard, half-heard, in the stillness
Between two waves of the sea.

Quick now, here, now, always—
A condition of complete simplicity
(Costing not less than everything)
And all shall be well and
All manner of thing shall be well

~ T.S Eliot

from “Little Gidding,” Four Quartets

we travelers

We travelers, walking to the sun, can't see
Ahead, but looking back the very light
That blinded us shows us the way we came,
Along which blessings now appear, risen
As if from sightlessness to sight, and we,
By blessings brightly lit, keep going toward
That blessed light that yet to us is dark.

~ Wendell Berry

Monday, August 24, 2020

at the centre

When I am at the centre of my unrequited love
I cannot hold it as an object
It has no sharp edges to torture anyone
I breathe the fragrance of the longing
and the longing has no proprietor
"O my love" embraces the great wide sky
as the night picks through the constellations
lifting necklace after dripping necklace
for the delight of my true beloved
"O my love" cries out from every pore of snow
and the forest answers a from great height:
"O my love"

~ Leonard Cohen


Saturday, August 22, 2020

I learned through my body and soul

I learned through my body and soul
 that it was necessary for me to sin,
that I needed lust,
that I had to strive for property,
and experience nausea and the depths of despair
in order to learn not to resist them,
in order to learn to love the world ...

Hermann Hesse, from 'Siddhartha'

dark eyes

My love and my yearning for home
ignited in the heat of this night
like the sweet fragrance of foreign flowers
fanning the flames of a fierce fervor.

My love and my yearning for home
and all my fortune and misfortune
now stand like silent stanzas of a song
in the dark mirror of your mythic gaze.

My love and my yearning for home
have turned away from the noise of this world
and in your dark eyes
have built a vast, secret throne.

~ Hermann Hesse
from The seasons of the Soul
translated by Ludwig Max Fischer

Monday, August 17, 2020

cannot be thought, caught, or sought by understanding

For silence is not God, nor speaking; 
fasting is not God, nor eating; 
solitude is not God, nor company; 
nor any other pair of opposites.

  He is hidden between them, 
and cannot be found by anything your soul does, 
but only by the love of your heart.  

He cannot be known by reason, 
he cannot be thought, caught, 
or sought by understanding.  

But he can be loved and 
chosen by the true, loving will of your heart.

~ the cloud of unknowing

the singing bowl

Begin the song exactly where you are.
Remain within the world of which you're made.
Call nothing common in the earth or air.

Accept it all and let it be for good.
Start with the very breath you breathe in now,
This moment's pulse, this rhythm in your blood

And listen to it, ringing soft and low.
Stay with the music, words will come in time.
Slow down your breathing. Keep it deep and slow.

Become an open singing bowl, whose chime
Is richness out of emptiness,
And timelessness resounding into time.

And when the heart is full of quietness
Begin the Song exactly where you are.
~ Malcolm Guite
art by Joyce Huntington
with thanks to whiskey river

Sunday, August 16, 2020

you can go

There is a place you can go
where you are quiet,
a place of water and the light

on the water. Trees are there,
leaves, and the light
on leaves moved by air.

Birds, singing, move
among leaves, in leaf shadow.
After many years you have come

to no thought of these,
but they are themselves
your thoughts. There seems to be

little to say, less and less.
Here they are. Here you are.
Here as though gone.

None of us stays, but in the hush
where each leaf in the speech
of leaves is sufficient syllable

the passing light finds out
surpassing freedom of its way.

~ Wendell Berry
from Sabbaths 1998, VII

karma and reinforcing mental pathways

understanding karma has to do with the quality of mind in the very moment of action. 
When we experience a mind state of love, there comes naturally, along with it,
 a feeling of openness and love that is its immediate fruit; similarly, 
when there are moments of greed or hatred, in addition to whatever future results 
will come, we also experience the painful energies that arise with those states.
 Our direct awareness of how the karmic law is working in each moment 
can be a strong motivation to develop skillful states of mind that create happiness
 for us in the moment, as well as produce the fruit of well-being in the future.

Another dimension of the law of karma helps in understanding 
how individual personalities develop. While it is true that there is no enduring entity, 
no unchanging self that can be called “I,” it is also quite obvious that each of us
 is a uniquely changing and recognizable pattern of elements. This comes about
 because each of us has in our own way, both consciously and unconsciously,
 cultivated different mind states. If we cultivate lovingkindness, we experience 
its taste in the moment and at the same time are strengthening it as a force
 in the mind, making it easier for it to arise again. When we are angry, 
we experience the suffering of that anger as present karma and are also strengthening 
that particular pattern of mind. Just as we condition our bodies in different ways 
through exercise or lack of it, so we also condition our minds. Every mind state, 
thought, or emotion that we experience repeatedly becomes stronger 
and more habituated. Who we are as personalities is a collection of all
 the tendencies of mind that have been developed, the particular energy
 configurations we have cultivated

We tend not to pay attention to this conditioning factor of our experience, 
thinking instead that once an experience has passed it is gone without residue or result. 
That would be like dropping a stone in water without creating any ripples. 
Each mind state that we experience further conditions and strengthens it.

People sometimes wonder whether reflecting upon the law of karma 
will lead to feelings of guilt for past unwholesome actions. Guilt is a
 manifestation of condemnation or aversion toward oneself, which does not
 understand the changing transformative quality of mind. It solidifies a sense
 of self by being nonforgiving. Understanding the law of karma leads us
 to reflect wisely on the skillfulness or unskillfulness of our actions.
 In the infinite time of our births, through all the realms of existence, 
we have done so many different kinds of actions, wholesome and unwholesome.
 In view of karmic law, guilt is an inappropriate feeling, and a rather useless burden. 
It simply creates more unwholesome results. Coming to an understanding
 of karma is the basis for a very straightforward development of the wisdom
 to know whether our actions will lead to happiness and freedom,
 or to further suffering. When we understand this, it allows us to take responsibility
 for past actions with an attitude of compassion, appreciating that a particular act
 may have been unwholesome or harmful, and strongly determining
 not to repeat it. Guilt is a manifestation of condemnation, wisdom an expression
 of sensitivity and forgiveness. . 

~ Joseph Goldstein
from Cause and Effect - Reflecting on the law of karma 
printed in Tricycle

creating the house we live in

What we speak
becomes the house
we live in.
Who will want
to sleep in your bed
if the roof leaks
right above it?

Fear is the
cheapest room
in the house,
I would like
to see you living
in better conditions.

There is only one reason
we have followed God
into this world:
to encourage laughter,
dance and love ....

God and I are rushing
from every corner of
needing to say
we are yours.

The sun never says
to the earth,
even after all this time
“you owe me”.

I once asked a bird
how is it that you
fly in this gravity
of darkness?
she responded,
love lifts me.

I should not make
any promises right now
but I know if you pray
somewhere in this world
something good
will happen.

~ Hafiz
Daniel Ladinsky and
Robert Bly versions

 with thanks to Love is a place

Saturday, August 15, 2020

beyond words

There’s a language beyond words. Silence creates the space for it. 
Sometimes when we feel powerless to speak words that are meaningful, 
when we have to back off into unknowing and helplessness,
 but remain in the situation, silence creates the space 
that’s needed for a deeper happening to occur. 
But often, initially, that silence is uneasy. 
It begins “as a small frightened thing”
 and only slowly grows 
into the kind of warmth 
that dissolves tension.

~ Ron Rolheiser
from  The Healing Place of Silence
art by Alfredo Ramos Martinez

silence is for me a fount of healing

Silence is for me a fount of healing
 which makes my life worth living. 
Talking is often a torment for me, 
and I need many days of silence 
to recover from the futility of words.

~ C. G. Jung

Friday, August 14, 2020

essential points

~ Joseph Goldstein


the long lesson

Again I resume the long
lesson:  how small a thing
can be pleasing, how little
in this hard world it takes
to satisfy the mind
and bring it to its rest.

Within the ongoing havoc
the woods this morning is
almost unnaturally still.
Through stalled air, unshadowed
light, a few leaves fall
of their own weight.

The sky
is gray.  It begins in mist
almost at the ground
and rises forever.  The trees
rise in silence almost
natural, but not quite,
almost eternal, but
not quite.

What more did I
think I wanted?  Here is
what has always been.
Here is what will always
be.  Even in me,
the  Maker of all this
returns in rest, even
to the slightest of His works,
a yellow leaf slowly
falling, and is pleased.

~ Wendell Berry

a pastime

For more than five years, I maintained myself this solely
 by the labor of my hands, and I found, that by working
 about six weeks a year, I could meet all the expenses of living.

In short, I am convinced, both by faith and experience,
 that to maintain one's self on this earth is not a hardship
 but a pastime, if we will live simply and wisely...
It is not necessary that a man should earn his living 
by the sweat of his brow, unless he sweats easier than I do.

Some are "industrious," and appear to love labor for its own sake, 
or perhaps because it keeps them out of worse mischief; to such
 I have at present nothing to say.  Those who would not know 
what to do with more leisure than they now enjoy, 
I might advise to work twice as hard as they do - work till they pay 
for themselves, and get their free papers.  For myself I have found
 that the occupation of a day laborer was the most independent of any, 
especially as it required only thirty or forty days in a year to support one. 

The laborer's day ends with the going down of the sun,
 and he is then free to devote himself to his chosen pursuit,
 independent of his labor; but his employer, who speculates from
 month to month, has no respite from one end of the year to another.

~ Henry David Thoreau
from Walden, 'Economy,' 1854
art by Roderick Maclver