Wednesday, January 15, 2020

unnameable heart

The cricket who
kept me company three days
has fallen silent
I don't know where.

There are so many
lives of which I know nothing.
Even my own.  It moves now
through my fingers toward yours
and I know nothing
I can say that will name its heart.

A boat drifts far out
on the river below the mountains,
and below it
the fish, the great fish
that the one in the boat has come for,
swims in the shadow.

Perhaps the cricket is there, inside the fish.
Stranger things have happened.
I have looked everywhere else
for my lost companion.

From here the shadow looks small,
but to the fish it is huge.
Range after range of mountains,
and still the old painters
found a place
where two could walk together, side by side.

~ Jane Hirshfield
from Lives of the Heart

Sunday, January 12, 2020


How shall I hold on to my soul, so that
it does not touch yours? How shall I gently
lift it up over you on to other things?
I would so very much like to tuck it away
among long lost objects in the dark,
in some quiet, unknown place, somewhere
which remains motionless when your depths resound.

And yet everything which touches us, you and me,
takes us together like a single bow,
drawing out from two strings but one voice.
On which instrument are we strung?
And which violinist holds us in his hand?
O sweetest of songs.

~ Rainer Maria Rilke
from New Poems - 1907 
Rilke met Lou Andreas-Salomé in 1897. He was 22, she was 36.
 Their love story lasted until 1901 and turned into a friendship 
that only ended with Rilke’s death in 1926. 

Your being has been the door that allowed me to reach fresh air for the first time.

the ubiquity of the divine presence

Apocalypse does not point to a fiery Armageddon 
but to the fact that our ignorance and our complacency 
are coming to an end. 

Our divided, schizophrenic worldview,
with no mythology adequate to coordinate our conscious and unconscious — 
that is what is coming to an end. 

The exclusivism of there being only one way in which we can be saved, 
the idea that there is a single religious group 
that is in sole possession of the truth — 
that is the world as we know it that must pass away. 

What is the kingdom? 
It lies in our realization of the ubiquity of the divine presence 
in our neighbors, 
in our enemies, 
in all of us. 

~ Joseph Campbell 

[APOCALYPSE: from the Greek word 'apokalyptein', meaning "uncover, disclose, reveal". From apo- "from" + kalyptein "to cover, conceal"

For you, my friend, every day is an apocalypse. Every hour, every minute, every moment, the old is falling away, the known is burning itself up, and the new, the never-before-seen, is revealing itself, in all its freshness. Truly, every moment is the end of a world, the end of dreams, and the birth of the new. Seen in the light of truth, life is a constant apocalypse, a constant awakening to what is, yet the separate self, with its fear of the loss of the status quo and its clinging to form and belief, pushes 'apocalypse' into time, and even fixes it to a specific date. And when that date passes, the mechanism creates a new date. It has to. This has always been the case. It is the seeker in action. To the illusory self, the end of the world will always be 'nigh'. It's how it keeps its own illusion going. It loves the drama of it.

And all the while, this timeless, ever-present apocalypse has always been with us, sweetly singing its song of newness and unshakeable truth. Have a great Friday, no matter what happens. 

~ Jeff Foster

Saturday, January 11, 2020

a succession of stillnesses


An ordinary mirror is silvered at the back but the window of the night train has darkness behind the glass. My face and the faces of other travelers were now mirrored on this darkness in a succession of stillnesses. Consider this, said the darkness: any motion at any speed is a succession of stillnesses; any section through an action will show just such a plane of stillness as this dark window in which your seeking face is mirrored. And in each plane of stillness is the moment of clarity that makes you responsible for what you do.

~ Russell Hoban
from The Medusa Frequency

the primacy and wonder of the dark

There is a touching innocence in the mystery of the human self.  
Even after thousands of years of experience and reflection, 
we still remain a mystery to ourselves...
there is something deeply unpredictable and unfathomable.
... Even when you approach your self tenderly 
with the candle of receptive and reverential seeing, 
all you achieve is a glimpse.  
There is something in the sacred darkness of the mind 
that does not trust the facility and quickness of light.

Darkness resists the name.  
Darkness knows the regions which the name 
can never reach or hold or dream.
  The dark must smile at the proud pretense of words 
to hold networks of identity and meaning, 
but the dark knows only too well the fragile surface on which words stand.  
Darkness keeps its secrets.
Light is diverse and plural: 
sunlight, moonlight, dusk, dawn, and twilight.  
The dark has only one name.  
There is something deep in us 
which implicitly recognizes the primacy and wonder of the dark.  
Perhaps this is why we instinctively insist on avoiding and ignoring its mysteries.

~ John O'Donohue
from Eternal Echoes
photo by Kathleen Connally

Friday, January 10, 2020

start with the little things

Start with little things.

Love the earth like a mole,
fur-near. Nearsighted,
hold close the clods,
their fine-print headlines.
Pat them with soft hands --

Like spades, but pink and loving; they
break rock, nudge giants aside,
affable plow.

Fields are to touch;
each day nuzzle your way.

Tomorrow the world.

—William Stafford
from The Way It Is
with thanks to Love is a Place

the heart's counting knows only one

In Sung China, 
two monks friends for sixty years
watch the geese pass.
Where are they going?
one tested the other, who couldn't say.

That moment's silence continues.

No one will study their friendship
in the koan-books of insight.
No one will remember their names.

I think of them sometimes,
standing, perplexed by sadness,
goose-down sewn into their quilted autumn robes.

Almost swallowed by the vastness of the mountains,
but not yet.

As the barely audible
geese are not yet swallowed;
as even we, my love, will not entirely be lost.

~ Jane Hirshfield
from Lives of the Heart
artist unknown from the Yuan Dynasty

hostess to my morethanme

the trick of finding what you didn't lose
(existing's tricky:but to live's a gift)
the teachable imposture of always
arriving at the place you never left

(and i refer to thinking)rests upon
a dismal misconception;namely that
some neither ape nor angel called a man
is measured by his quote eye cue unquote.

Much better than which, every woman who's
(despite the ultramachinations of
some loveless infraworld)a woman knows;
and certain men quite possibly may have

shall we say guessed?"
"we shall" quoth gifted she:
and played the hostess to my morethanme

from Selected Poems


Monday, January 6, 2020

my beauty in you

I see my beauty in you. I become
a mirror that cannot close its eyes

to your longing. My eyes wet with
yours in the early light. My mind

every moment giving birth, always
conceiving, always in the ninth

month, always the come-point. How
do I stand this? We become these

words we say, a wailing sound moving
out into the air. These thousands of

worlds that rise from nowhere, how
does your face contain them? I'm

a fly in your honey, then closer, a
moth caught in flame's allure, then

empty sky stretched out in homage.

 ~ Jelaluddin Rumi


because loved, a pure beast came to be

This is the non-existent animal.
Not knowing that, they loved it, loved its ways,
its neck, its posture, loved its quiet gaze
down to the light within it, loved it all.

True, it was not. But, because loved, a pure
beast came to be. A space was kept, conceded.
And in that space, left blank for it, secure,
it gently raised its head and hardly needed

to be. They fed it on no kind of corn,
but always only with the right to be.
And on the beast such power this could confer,

its brow put forth new growth. A single horn.
White, it sought out a virgin's company -
and was inside the mirror and in her.

~ Rainer Maria Rilke
from Sonnets to Orpheus II, 4



hiding in this cage
of visible matter

is the invisible

pay attention
to her

she is singing
your song

~ Kabir
Sushil Rao translation

Saturday, January 4, 2020

I am a boat

I am a boat
without wind.
You were the wind.
Was that the direction I wanted to go?
Who cares about directions
with a wind like that!

translation by Robert Bly

It’s the dream we carry in secret
that something miraculous will happen,
that it must happen –
that time will open
that the heart will open
that doors will open
that the mountains will open
that springs will gush –
that the dream will open,
that one morning we will glide into
some little harbour we didn't know was there.

translation by Robin Fulton


~ Olav H. Hauge
(18 August 1908 – 23 May 1994)
a Norwegian, Mr. Hauge worked as a gardener in his own orchard

the teapot

That morning I heard water being poured into a teapot.
The sound was an ordinary, daily, cluffy sound.
but all at once, I knew you loved me.
An unheard-of-thing, love audible in water falling.

~ Robert Bly
from Talking into the Ear of a Donkey

Lewis Carroll

"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.

"Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat:
 "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."

"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.

"You must be," said the Cat, 
"or you wouldn't have come here."

(Alice's Adventures in Wonderland) 

Charles Lutwidge Dodgson

"Who are YOU?" said the Caterpillar.

This was not an encouraging opening for a conversation. Alice replied, rather shyly, 
"I--I hardly know, sir, just at present-- 
at least I know who I WAS when I got up this morning, 
but I think I must have been changed several times since then."

(Alice's Adventures in Wonderland) 

drawings by Sir John Tenniel

Alice Liddell

" Well! I've often seen a cat without a grin," thought Alice; 
" but a grin without a cat! 
It's the most curious thing I ever saw in my life!"

(Alice's Adventures in Wonderland) 

Alice laughed. "There's no use trying," she said
 "one can't believe impossible things." 

"I daresay you haven't had much practice," said the Queen.
"When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. 
Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." 

(Through the Looking Glass) 

"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, 
"it means just what I choose it to mean -- 
neither more nor less." 

"The question is," said Alice, 
"whether you can make words mean so many different things." 

"The question is," said Humpty Dumpty, 
"which is to be master - - 
that's all." 

(Through the Looking Glass) 

it is born

Here I came to the very edge 
where nothing at all needs saying,
everything is absorbed through weather and the sea,
and the moon swam back,
its rays all silvered,
and time and again the darkness would be broken
by the crash of a wave,
and every day on the balcony of the sea,
wings open, fire is born,
and everything is blue again like morning.

~ Pablo Neruda
from On the Blue Shores of Silence

Thursday, January 2, 2020

something that waits and listens

There is something in every one of you that waits, listens for the sound of the genuine in yourself and if you cannot hear it, you will never find whatever it is for which you are searching and if you hear it and then do not follow it, it was better that you had never been born…

You are the only you that has ever lived; your idiom is the only idiom of its kind in all of existence and if you cannot hear the sound of the genuine in you, you will all of your life spend your days on the ends of strings that somebody else pulls…

There is in you something that waits and listens for the sound of the genuine in yourself and sometimes there is so much traffic going on in your minds, so many different kinds of signals, so many vast impulses floating through your organism that go back thousands of generations, long before you were even a thought in the mind of creation, and you are buffeted by these, and in the midst of all of this you have got to find out what your name is. Who are you? How does the sound of the genuine come through to you…

The sound of the genuine is flowing through you. Don’t be deceived and thrown off by all the noises that are a part even of your dreams, your ambitions, so that you don’t hear the sound of the genuine in you, because that is the only true guide that you will ever have, and if you don’t have that you don’t have a thing.

You may be famous. You may be whatever the other ideals are which are a part of this generation, but you know you don’t have the foggiest notion of who you are, where you are going, what you want. Cultivate the discipline of listening to the sound of the genuine in yourself

Now there is something in everybody that waits and listens for the sound of the genuine in other people. And it is so easy to say that anybody who looks like him or her, anybody who acts as this person acts, can’t hear any sound of the genuine. I must wait and listen for the sound of the genuine in you. I must wait. For if I cannot hear it, then in my scheme of things, you are not even present. And everybody wants to feel that everybody else knows that she is there.

I have a blind friend who just became blind after she was a grown woman. I asked her: “What is the greatest disaster that your blindness has brought to you?” She said, “When I go places where there are people, I have a feeling that nobody knows that I’m here. I can’t see any recognition, I can’t see… and if nobody knows that I’m here, it’s hard for me to know where I am.”

There is something that waits and listens for the sound of the genuine in your mother, in your father, in the people you can’t stand, and if you had the power you would wipe them out. But instinctively you know that if you wipe them out, you go with them. So you fight for your own life by finding some way to get along with them without killing them.

There is something in you that waits and listens for the sound of the genuine in other people. And if you can’t hear it, then you are reduced by that much. If I were to ask you what is the thing that you desire most in life this afternoon, you would say a lot of things off the top of your head, most of which you wouldn’t believe but you would think that you were saying the things that I thought you ought to think that you should say.

But I think that if you were stripped to whatever there is in you that is literal and irreducible, and you tried to answer that question, the answer may be something like this: I want to feel that I am thoroughly and completely understood so that now and then I can take my guard down and look out around me and not feel that I will be destroyed with my defenses down. I want to feel completely vulnerable, completely naked, completely exposed and absolutely secure.

This is what you look for in your children when you have them, this is what you look for in your husband if you get one. That I can run the risk of radical exposure and know that the eye that beholds my vulnerability will not step on me. That I can feel secure in my awareness of the active presence of my own idiom in me.

So as I live my life then, this is what I am trying to fulfill. It doesn’t matter whether I become a doctor, lawyer, housewife. I’m secure because I hear the sound of the genuine in myself and having learned to listen to that, I can become quiet enough, still enough, to hear the sound of the genuine in you.

Now if I hear the sound of the genuine in me, and if you hear the sound of the genuine in you, it is possible for me to go down in me and come up in you. So that when I look at myself through your eyes having made that pilgrimage, I see in me what you see in me and the wall that separates and divides will disappear and we will become one because the sound of the genuine makes the same music.

~ Howard Thurman
from a1980 commencement address at Spelman College
 with thanks to Mystic Meandering

the heart is the sleeping beauty

The heart is the sleeping beauty

and love the only kiss it can't resist.
Even as eyes lay open wide,
there is a heart that sleeps inside,
and it's to there you must be hastening,
for all hearts dream,
they dream only of awakening.

~ Nicholas Klein
art by picasso

how did the rose

did the rose
ever open its heart
and give to this world all if its beauty?

It felt the encouragement of light against its being,
otherwise we all remain too

~ Hafiz

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

up with the morning breeze

Wake up with the morning breeze
and ask for a change.
Open and fill yourself
with the wine that is your life.
Pass it around
Pass it to me first.

~ Rumi

over the endless oceans -


The sea wind sways over the endless oceans -
spreads its wings night and day
rises and sinks again
over the desolate swaying floor of the immortal ocean.

Now it is nearly morning
or it is nearly evening
and the ocean wind feels in its face - the land wind.

Clockbuoy toll morning and evening psalms,
the smoke of a coalboat
or the smoke of a tar-burning phoenician ship faces away at the

The lonely jellyfish who has no history rocks around with
burning blue feet.
It's nearly evening now or morning.

~ Harry Martinson
from The Rag and Bone Shop of the Heart

when we convene again

When we convene again
to understand the world,
the first speaker will again
point silently out of the window
at the hillside in its season,
sunlit, under the snow,
and we will nod silently,
and silently stand and go.

~ Wendell Berry

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

who yawns

It is God who yawns and sneezes
and coughs, and now laughs.

Look, it's God doing ablutions!
God deciding to fast, God going naked
from one New Year's Eve to the next.

Will you ever understand
how near God is
to you?

~ Lalla
from Naked Song
translations by Coleman Barks

lute music

Let us celebrate. The Earth will be going on a long time
Before it finally freezes;
Men will be on it; they will take names,
Give their deeds reasons.
We will be here only
As chemical constituents—
A small franchise indeed.

Right now we have lives,
Corpuscles, Ambitions, Caresses,
Like everybody had once—
Here at the year's end, at the feast
Of birth, let us bring to each other
The gifts brought once west through deserts—
The precious metal of our mingled hair,
The frankincense of enraptured arms and legs,
The myrrh of desperate, invincible kisses—

Let us celebrate the daily
Recurrent nativity of love,
The endless epiphany of our fluent selves,
While the earth rolls away under us
Into unknown snows and summers,
Into untraveled spaces of the stars.

—Kenneth Rexroth
 from The Phoenix and the Tortoise


Saturday, December 28, 2019

in a mystery to be

in time of daffodils(who know
the goal of living is to grow)
forgetting why,remembering how

in time of lilacs who proclaim
the aim of walking is to dream
remembering so(forgetting seem)

in time of roses(who amaze
our now and here with paradise)
forgetting if,remembering yes

in time of all sweet things beyond
whatever mind may comprehend,
remember seek(forgetting find)
and in a mystery to be
(when time from time shall set us free)
forgetting me, remember me

~ e. e. Cummings
from Selected Poems

Monday, December 23, 2019

awaken to the mystery of being here

May you awaken to the mystery of being here and enter
the quiet immensity of your own presence.
May you have joy and peace in the temple of your senses.
May you receive great encouragement when new frontiers
May you respond to the call of your gift and find the
courage to follow its path.
May the flame of anger free you from falsity.
May warmth of heart keep your presence aflame and may
anxiety never linger about you.
May your outer dignity mirror an inner dignity of soul.
May you take time to celebrate the quiet miracles that
seek no attention.
May you be consoled in the secret symmetry of your soul.
May you experience each day as a sacred gift woven
around the heart of wonder.

~ John O'Donohue

a gift

The gift of God is absolutely gratuitous.  It's not something you earn. It's something that's there. It's something you just have to accept. This is the gift that has been given. There's no place to go to get it. There's no place you can go to avoid it. It just is. It's part of our very existence. And so the purpose of all the great religions is to bring us into this relationship with reality that is so intimate that no words can possibly describe it.

~ Thomas Keating

Monday, December 16, 2019

simple seeing

Joan Tollifson