Friday, August 23, 2024

turn your attention


God dwells in you, as you, 
and you don't have to 'do' anything
 to be God-realized or Self-realized,
 it is already your true and natural state.

Just drop all seeking, 
turn your attention inward, 
and sacrifice your mind to
 the One Self radiating in the Heart
 of your very being. 

For this to be your own presently lived experience, 
Self-Inquiry is the one direct and immediate way.

~ Sri Ramana
photo by Ansel Adams
with thanks to love is a place



Two beggars
sharing a meal of the food they've been given

The new moon shines intensely

~ Ko Un
with thanks to Poetry Chaikhana

Friday, August 9, 2024

love is


~ Rupert Spira

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

thirsty I remain


I need a lover and a friend
All friendships you transcend
And impotent I remain

You are Noah and the Ark
You are the light and the dark
Behind the veil I remain

You are passion and are rage
You are the bird and the cage
Lost in flight I remain

You are the wine and the cup
You are the ocean and the drop
While afloat I remain

I said, "O Soul of the world
My desperation has taken hold!"

"I am thy essence," without scold,
"Value me much more than gold."

You are the bait and the trap
You are the path and the map
While in search I remain

You are poison and the sweet
You are defeated and defeat
Sword in hand I remain

You are the wood and the saw
You are cooked, and are raw
While in a pot I remain

You are sunshine and the fog
You are water and the jug
While thirsty I remain

Sweet fragrance of Shams is
The joy and pride of Tabriz
Perfume trader I remain.

~ Rumi
with thanks to No Mind's Land

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Buddhist emptiness


Saturday, August 3, 2024

silence and contemplation


~ Thomas Merton


Friday, August 2, 2024

people are hurt, and nature can heal


A documentry of Lhakpa Sherpa, a fearless example
 of strength and perserverance.

“Look at me, I’m not educated,”
 she says of her achievements. 
“[If] I can do it, anybody can do whatever they want. 
People are hurt, and nature can heal people and change them.”

~ Lhakpa Sherpa
film by Lucy Walker

Saturday, July 27, 2024

be still and know

Imagine you are walking alone at night on a country road.  
No people or cars or houses around, just enough starlight to see your way, 
the only sound the sound of your shoes on the road and the swish
 of your clothes as you walk.  You feel the stillness inside of things come close. 
You stop. Now there are no sounds, except the almost-never-heard hush of things being.

You sense the stillness on all sides and an identical stillness within you.
 It makes you uneasy, as if you are about to be extinguished. 
 You try to think, to establish yourself against the stillness,
 but the voice of your thoughts sounds thin, metallic.  
You feel an irrepressible need to be distracted, to change the stillness
 and its overwhelming of you. 
You walk home thinking about plans for tomorrow.

But in the quiet of your room you realize what happened: you got scared. 
 You got scared of opening into the stillness, of allowing it to be.
  It was a close call.  You see how throughout your life you have invited 
one distraction after another to prevent just this from happening.  
Now you feel disappointed in yourself. So instead of turning on your computer
 or reading a book or getting something to eat, 
you sit down and invite the stillness back.

A phrase you once heard comes to you, 
from Psalm 46: "Be still, and know." Be still. Be still.

You arrange your body as you have learned to do.  You sit in a comfortable, 
alert position, with your back vertical so you don't slump or drift off. 
 You let your body be motionless, quiet.  The motionlessness of your body
 is a helpful friend; you know it is temporary, and in fact it is
 not really motionless - little shifts and sensations keep happening - 
but the relative stillness of your body reduces your identification with it,
 with the sense you are your body's ambitions and memories and likes and dislikes.

Learning to sit still, to settle like this, is called by Tibetan lamas "the first motionlessness."
 A quiet body at ease relaxes the persistence of thoughts.  Once the first motionlessness
 has been learned, they say, then it doesn't matter if the body is motionless or moving,
 for the the ground of stillness is always available.  But for now you need this helpful friend, 
and you sit still.

Now you invite what the lamas call "the second motionlessness."
 This is the still, empty openness "behind" each of your senses, 
the openness in which your senses arise.  You relax into that openness.
 To say it is not moving points to its nature, but that's not entirely accurate. 
 It is not the opposite of motion, or of the visible, or of sound. 
 This motionlessness is not definable - it is not a sensation.
 Nevertheless it has an almost kinesthetic effect on you, 
as if it is vanishing you, as if the existing one you thought you were, 
the receiver, the photographic plate that records your experience, this"one,"
 becomes transparent. You begin to feel the same threat of vanishing 
you felt on the road, but now you relax and let it be.

  "The third motionlessness" comes now, unbidden. 
 It is the stillness of presence itself - the stillness of a clearness that is always here,
 behind and within everything. It is what allows everything to show up.
  It is empty too not made out of anything, yet it is awesome and radiant in its presence.
  It is without being an it.

You remember now how the phrase from Psalm 46 continues:
 "Be still, and know I am God."

"God"  - this old, strange word that sounds like a judge and yet still resonates beyond that -
 could it mean - could it have first meant - this empty Presence without form,
 appearing as all form?  You realize you are trying to figure it out and you stop.
 Be still, and know I am God.  The knowing is not thinking.
 It is presence being present to presence.
You find yourself wavering here - one moment at ease in the clarity, 
and in the next thinking about it.  You hear the words again:
 Be still. Do nothing. Let be. Don't fill anything in. 
 No need to figure anything out. Relax.

A sense of peacefulness opens in you, vast and without dimension.  
This what Sufis call sakina - vast, peaceful tranquility without dimension -
 and suddenly you are smiling, your eyes are filling with tears - a joy -
 could it be called that? - a joyousness like praise and thankfulness together,
 love pouring forth from nowhere, the whole show showing up - 
mountain, sky, stars, bodies - from nothing, from stillness.

In remembering the Real, all hearts find joyous peace.
- Qur'an 13:28

~ Pir Elias Amidon
from Free Medicine
 photo by Kathy Chow


romanesque arches

Inside the huge Romanesque church the tourists jostled in the half darkness.
vault gaped behind vault, no complete view.
A few candle flames flickered.
An angel with no face embraced me
and whispered through my whole body:
"Don't be ashamed of being human, be proud!
Inside you vault opens behind vault endlessly.
You will never be complete, that's how it's meant to be."
Blind with tears
I was pushed out on the sun-seething piazza
together with Mr. and Mrs. Jones, Mr Tanaka, and Signora Sabatini,
and inside each of them vault opened behind vault endlessly.

Tomas Tranströmer
from The Half Finished Heaven
translated by Robert Bly

Friday, July 26, 2024

becoming a healing presence in a traumatized world

~ James Finley

wholly into ourselves

Nature, and the things we live with and use, 
precede us and come after us. But they are, 
so long as we are here, our possession and our friendship.
 They know us with our needs and our pleasures,
 as they did those of our ancestors, 
whose trusted companions they were.

So it follows that all that is here is not to be despised 
and put down, but, precisely because it did precede us, 
to be taken by us with the innermost understanding 
that these appearances and things must be seen and transformed.

Transformed? Yes. For our task is to take this earth so deeply 
and wholly into ourselves that it will resurrect within our being. 
We are bees of the invisible. Passionately we plunder the honey of the visible
 in order to gather it in the great golden hive of the invisible.

~ Rainer Maria Rilke
from a letter to Witold Hulewicz
November 13, 1925

Thursday, July 25, 2024

like bees return to the hive

Learn self-conquest, preserve thus for a time,
and you will perceive very clearly the advantage which you gain from it.
As soon as you apply yourself to contemplation,
you will at once feel your senses gather themselves together:
they seem like bees which return to the hive
and there shut themselves up to work at the making of honey.

~ Saint Teresa of Avila

Complete concentration is complete relaxation.
 The ability to work on a job with total concentration, 
and then put it out of your mind when necessary,
 is a skill which can be cultivated. 
Through practice, 
we can learn to drop whatever we are doing
 and turn our attention to a more urgent need.
 When you are absorbed in a favorite book 
and your partner interrupts you, 
set the book aside and give your complete attention
 to what he or she is saying.
 If part of your mind is on the conversation
 and part on what you have been reading, 
there will be division and tension in the mind. 
When we practice this one-pointedness during the day,
 it will greatly help our meditation.
 The mind will much more quickly become recollected. 

~  Eknath Easwaran


the warrior conquers the realms within

Most men in power have not the strength or wisdom
to be satisfied with the way
things are.

The sane know contentment, for beauty is their lover,
and beauty is never absent from the world.

The farther away light is from one's touch
the more one naturally speaks of the 
need for change.

Yes, overthrow any government inside
that makes you weep.

The child blames the external and focuses his energies there;
the warrior conquers the realms within
and becomes

Only the inspired should make decisions
that affect the lives of many,

never a man who has not held God in his arms
and become the servant of 

~ St. Teresa of Avila
from Love Poems from God - Twelve Sacred Voices from East and West
translated by Daniel Ladinsky

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

learning to love yourself


~ Ram Dass

Sunday, July 21, 2024

touching the earth



~ Thich Nhat Hanh