Saturday, February 1, 2025

knowing nothing


Love is not the reason.
Love is the lure,
the thin goat staked out in the clearing.

The lion has stalked
the village for a long time.
It does not want the goat,
who stands thin and bleating,
tied to its bit of wood.

The goat is not the reason
The reason is the lion,
whose one desire is to enter -
Not the goat, which is
only the lure, only excuse,
but the one burning life
it has hunted for a long time
disguised as hunger.  Disguised as love.
Which is not the reason.

Or would you think
that the bones of a lion reason?
Would you think that the tongue?
The lion does not want the goat,
it wants only to live.  Alone if it must.
In pain if it must.  Knowing nothing.
Like the goat, it wants only to live.
Like love. Or would you think that the heart?

~ Jane Hirshfield
from Lives of the Heart

Friday, January 31, 2025

these temple bones



If one day it happens
you find yourself with someone you love
in a café at one end
of the Pont Mirabeau, at the zinc bar
where wine takes the shapes of upward opening glasses,

and if you commit then, as we did, the error
of thinking,
one day all this will only be memory,

learn to reach deeper
into the sorrows
to come—to touch
the almost imaginary bones
under the face, to hear under the laughter
the wind crying across the black stones. Kiss
the mouth
that tells you, here,
here is the world. This mouth. This laughter. These temple bones.

The still undanced cadence of vanishing.

~ Galway Kinnell 
excerpt from 
Little Sleep's-Head Sprouting Hair in the Moonlight

Thursday, January 30, 2025

in each a different part of the mystery becomes luminous

In your clay body, 
things are coming to expression and to light
 that were never known before,
 presences that never came to light or shape
 in any other individual.  
To paraphrase Heidegger, who said,
 "Man is a shepherd of being," 
 we could say,  "Man is a shepherd of clay." 
 You represent an unknown world
 that begs you to bring it to voice.  

Often the joy you feel 
does not belong to your individual biography 
but to the clay out of which you are formed. 

 At other times, 
you will find sorrow moving through you, 
like a dark mist over a landscape.
  This sorrow is dark enough to paralyze you.
  It is a mistake to interfere 
with this movement of feeling.  
It is more appropriate to recognize
 that this emotion belongs more to your clay
 than to your mind.
It is wise to let this weather of feeling pass; 
 it is on its way elsewhere.  
We so easily forget that our clay
 has a memory that preceded our minds, 
a life of its own 
before it took its present form.   

Regardless of how modern we seem, 
we still remain ancient, 
sister and brothers of the one clay. 
 In each of us 
a different part of the mystery
 becomes luminous.  

To truly be and become yourself, 
you need the ancient radiance of others.

~ John O'Donohue
from Anam Cara
art AI generated

Monday, January 27, 2025

I have come into this word to see this:


I have come into this world to see this:
the sword drop from men’s hands even at the height
of their arc of anger

because we have finally realized there is just one flesh to wound
and it is His – the Christ’s, our

I have come into this world to see this: all creatures hold hands as
we pass through this miraculous existence we share on the way
to even a greater being of soul,

a being of just ecstatic light, forever entwined and at play
with Him.

I have come into this world to hear this:

every song the earth has sung since it was conceived in
the Divine’s womb and began spinning from
His wish,

every song by wing and fin and hoof,
every song by hill and field and tree and woman and child,
every song of stream and rock,

every song of tool and lyre and flute,
every song of gold and emerald
and fire,

every song the heart should cry with magnificent dignity
to know itself as

for all other knowledge will leave us again in want and aching –
only imbibing the glorious Sun
will complete us.

I have come into this world to experience this:

men so true to love
they would rather die before speaking
an unkind

men so true their lives are His covenant –
the promise of

I have come into this world to see this:
the sword drop from men’s hands
even at the height of
their arc of

because we have finally realized
there is just one flesh

we can wound.

~ Hafiz
from Love Poems From God 
by Daniel Ladinsky
with thanks to

Sunday, January 26, 2025

the abyss between us


We don’t walk down the same street as the person walking beside us. 
All we can do is tell the other person what we see. 
We can point at things and try to name them. 
If we do this well, 
our friend can look at the world in a new way.
 We can meet.
I had a big beautiful cake in my head called 
“Feeling the Pain of Others” 
and I sliced it this way and that because 
I thought that emotion is the bridge between people, 
sentiment crosses space, sympathy is a gas, 
exhaled by one, inhaled by the other. Empathy! 
It’s just like melting. 
We can merge, you know. 
We can connect. 
We can cry at the same movie. 
You and I.
There is a real gap between me and the next person, 
there is a space between every human being. 
And it is not a frightening space. 
The empty air which exists between people
 might be crossed by emotion, but it might not. 
You need something else, or you need something first… 
Now, I think the word we need is “translation.”
These days I am obsessed by light, it is so hard to commodify.
 I am not talking about a beautiful dawn, or holidays in the sun,
 or the light that makes a photograph look good. 
I am talking about brightness itself, the air lit up.
 The gleam on the surfaces of my typing hands. 
I love the gift of its arrival.
 The light you see is always eight and a half minutes old. 
Always and again. 
And you think it is shared by everyone 
but it is not shared, exactly — 
our eyes are hit by our own, 
personal photons.

~ Anne Enright
excerpts from The Wren, the Wren
with thanks to the Marginalian
photo by Don Danko

Friday, January 24, 2025

we who never let each other sleep

I know the truth -- give up all other truths!
No need for people anywhere on earth to struggle.
Look -- it is evening, look, it is nearly night:
what do you speak of, poets, lovers, generals?

The wind is level now, the earth is wet with dew,
the storm of stars in the sky will turn to quiet.
And soon all of us will sleep under the earth, we
who never let each other sleep above it.

~ Marina Tsvetaeva
English version by Elaine Feinstein
with thanks to Poetry Chaikhana

it all moves


At night outside it all moves or
almost moves–trees, grass,
touches of wind. The room you have
in the world is ready to change.
Clouds parade by, and stars in their
configurations. Birds from far
touch the fabric around them–you can
feel their wings move. Somewhere under
the earth it waits, that emanation
of all things. It breathes. It pulls you
slowly out through doors or windows
and you spread in the thin halo of night mist.
~ William Stafford 

so close

I do not love you as if you were the salt-rose, or topaz,
or the arrow of carnations the fire shoots off.
I love you as certain dark things are to be loved,
in secret, between the shadow and the soul.

I love you as the plant that never blooms
but carries in itself the light of hidden flowers;
thanks to your love a certain solid fragrance,
risen from the earth, lives darkly in my body.

I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where.
I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride;
so I love you because I know no other way

than this: where I does not exist, nor you,
so close that your hand on my chest is my hand,
so close that your eyes close as I fall asleep.

~ Pablo Neruda


Monday, January 20, 2025

caught up in the idea


We are a wave appearing on the surface of the ocean.
 The body of a wave does not last very long – 
perhaps only ten to twenty seconds.
The wave is subject to beginning and ending,
 to going up and coming down. 

The wave may be caught in the idea that 
‘I am here now and I won’t be here later.’
 And the wave may feel afraid or even angry.
 But the wave also has her ocean body. 
She has come from the ocean, 
and she will go back to the ocean.

 She has both her wave body and her ocean body.
 She is not only a wave; she is also the ocean. 
The wave does not need to look
 for a separate ocean body, 
because she is in this very moment 
both her wave body and her ocean body.

 As soon as the wave can go back to herself
 and touch her true nature,
 which is water,
 then all fear and
 anxiety disappear.

 ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

kindness in Navajo teachings


~ Traditional Navajo Teachings

Friday, January 17, 2025

may my heart always be open

may my heart always be open to little
birds who are the secrets of living
whatever they sing is better than to know
and if men should not hear them men are old

may my mind stroll about hungry
and fearless and thirsty and supple
and even if it's sunday may i be wrong
for whenever men are right they are not young

and may myself do nothing usefully
and love yourself so more than truly
there's never been quite such a fool who could fail
pulling all the sky over him with one smile


you know yourself only through the senses and the mind


 You know yourself only through the senses and the mind. 
You take yourself to be what they suggest;
 having no direct knowledge of yourself,
 you have mere ideas; all mediocre, 
second-hand, by hearsay.

Whatever you think you are you take it to be true; 
the habit of imagining yourself perceivable and
describable is very strong with you.

I see as you see, hear as you hear, taste as you taste,
 eat as you eat. 
I also feel thirst and hunger.
 When starved or sick,
 my body and mind go weak.

 All this I perceive quite clearly, but somehow I am not in it, 
I feel myself as if floating over it, aloof and detached.

 Even not aloof and detached. 

There is aloofness and detachment as there is thirst and
hunger; there is also the awareness of it all 
and a sense of Immense distance, 
as if the body and the mind and all that happens to them
 were somewhere far out on the horizon. 

I am like a cinema screen -- clear and empty -- 
the pictures pass over it and disappear, 
leaving it as clear and empty as before. 
In no way is the screen affected by the pictures, 
nor are the pictures affected by the screen. 
The screen intercepts and reflects the pictures,
 it does not shape them.
 It has nothing to do with the rolls of films.
 These are as they are, lumps of destiny (prarabdha),
 but not my destiny; the destinies of the people on the screen.

~ from I AM THAT
Dialogues of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

Thursday, January 16, 2025

happiness is the very nature of the Self


Happiness is the very nature of the Self:
happiness and the Self are not different.

There is no happiness in any object of the world.
We imagine through our ignorance that we
derive happiness from objects. 

When the mind goes out seeking,
it expereinces misery.

In truth, when its desires are fulfilled,
it returns to its own place and enjoys
the happiness that is the Self.

~ Sri Ramana Maharshi
aboriginal art

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

surrendering, lose myself in your loosened hair

Someday, emerging at last from the violent insight,
let me sing out jubilation and praise to assenting angels.

Let not even one of the clearly-struck hammers of my heart
fail to sound because of a slack, a doubtful,
or a broken string. 

 Let my joyfully streaming face
make me more radiant; let my hidden weeping arise
and blossom.  

How dear you will be to me then, you nights 
of anguish. 

 Why didn't I kneel more deeply to accept you,
inconsolable sisters, and, surrendering, lose myself
in your loosened hair. 

 How we squander our hours of pain.
How we gaze beyond them into the bitter duration
to see if they have an end.

  Though they are really
our winter-enduring foliage,
 our dark evergreen,
one season in our inner year -,
 not only a season
in time -,
 but are place and settlement, 
foundation and soil and home.

~ Rainer Maria Rilke
from Duino Elegies, The Tenth Elegy
translation by stephen mitchell
art by van gogh

in the heart of every creature


Hidden in the heart of every creature
Exists the Self, subtler that the subtlest,
Greater than the greatest…
The Self cannot be known through study,
…nor through the intellect,
nor through discourses about it.

~  Katha Upanishad