I can tell by the way the trees beat, after so many dull days, on my worried windowpanes that a storm is coming, and I hear the far-off fields say things I can’t bear without a friend, I can’t love without a sister
The storm, the shifter of shapes, drives on across the woods and across time, and the world looks as if it had no age: the landscape like a line in the psalm book, is seriousness and weight and eternity.
What we choose to fight is so tiny! What fights us is so great! If only we would let ourselves be dominated as things do by some immense storm, we would become strong too, and not need names.
When we win it’s with small things, and the triumph itself makes us small. What is extraordinary and eternal does not want to be bent by us. I mean the Angel who appeared to the wrestlers of the Old Testament: when the wrestler’s sinews grew long like metal strings, he felt them under his fingers like chords of deep music.
Whoever was beaten by this Angel (who often simply declined the fight) went away proud and strengthened and great from that harsh hand, that kneaded him as if to change his shape. Winning does not tempt that man. This is how he grows: by being defeated, decisively, by constantly greater beings.
blessings be
.My writing, when it hasn't been in defense of precious things,has been a
giving of thanks for precious things..Ask the questions that have no
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*Love Cries...*
For loss of the innocence of children
traumatized by
the world as it is...
For the compassion of strangers
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Swami Abhishiktananda - Return within
Return within,
to the place where there is nothing,
and take care that nothing comes in.
Penetrate to the depths of yourself,
to the place where thought...
Revealing an open door
We’ve all been given experience in this life that we haven’t been able to
process consciously. For whatever reason, it was just too much. Overflow in
the ...
Teresa of Avila – Let nothing disturb you
Let nothing disturb you by Teresa of Avila English version by Ivan M.
Granger (Lines written on a bookmark found in Teresa of Avila’s Breviary)
Let nothing...
The Last Post
I know. I know. The last post appeared over a year ago. And the post before
that was . . . a year before that. Now it's obvious: this blog has run its
A runaway lover, text problems, and dinner duties
Dear Mr. Blue,
I’m a single 51-year-old who’s been enjoying the outdoorsy life in Denver
for the past fifteen years. I have a nice condo, good friends, a...
Vimeo Post
Breakfast agreeable incommode departure it an. By ignorant at on wondered
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