Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Journey


One day you finally knew
what you had to do, and began,
though the voices around you
kept shouting
their bad advice--
though the whole house
began to tremble
and you felt the old tug
at your ankles.
"Mend my life!"
each voice cried.
But you didn't stop.
You knew what you had to do,
though the wind pried
with its stiff fingers
at the very foundations,
though their melancholy
was terrible.
It was already late
enough, and a wild night,
and the road full of fallen
branches and stones.
But little by little,
as you left their voices behind,
the stars began to burn
through the sheets of clouds,
and there was a new voice
which you slowly
recognized as your own,
that kept you company
as you strode deeper and deeper
into the world,
determined to do
the only thing you could do--
determined to save
the only life you could save.

~ Mary Oliver

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

all several souls contain

If any, so by love refined, 
That he soul's language understood, 
And by good love were grown all mind, 
Within convenient distance stood, 
He—though he knew not which soul spake, 
Because both meant, both spake the same— 
Might thence a new concoction take, 
And part far purer than he came. 
This ecstasy doth unperplex 
(We said) and tell us what we love ; 
We see by this, it was not sex ; 
We see, we saw not, what did move : 
But as all several souls contain 
Mixture of things they know not what, 
Love these mix'd souls doth mix again, 
And makes both one, each this, and that. 
~ John Donne (1572-1631)
from The Ecstasy
art by Georgia O'Keefe

love song


How shall I hold my soul, that it may not 
be touching yours? How shall I lift it then
above you to where other things are waiting?
Ah, gladly would I lodge it, all-forgot,
with some lost thing the dark is isolating
on some remote and silent spot that, when 
your depths vibrate, is not itself vibrating.
You and me - all that lights upon us, though,
brings us together like a fiddle -bow
drawing one voice from two strings it glides along.
Across what instrument have we been spanned?
And what violinist holds us in his hand?
O sweetest song.

~ Rainer Maria Rilke 
March 1907, Capri 
translated by J. B. Leishman
art by klimt


a single cell
found that it was full of light
and for the first time there was seeing
I was a bird
I could see where the stars had turned
and I set out on my journey
in the head of a mountain goat
I could see across a valley
under the shining trees something moving
in the green sea
I saw the two sides of the water
and swam between them
look at you
in the first light of the morning
for as long as I can
~ W. S. Merwin

Sunday, January 2, 2011

my companion


You went away but remained in me
And thus became my peace and happiness.
In separation, separation left me
And I witnessed the Unknown.
You were the hidden secret of my longing,
Hidden deep within my conscience deeper than a dream.
You were my true friend in the day
And in darkness my companion
~ Mansur al- Hallaj

why bodhidharma went to motel 6

"Where is your home?” the interviewer asked him.


“No, no,” the interviewer said, thinking it a problem of translation,
“when you are where you actually live?”

Now it was his turn to think, Perhaps the translation?

~ Jane Hirshfield

no path


Now, if you go into it very clearly and thoroughly, with intelligence, you see that to truth there can be no path; there is no path, as yours and mine: the path of service, the path of knowledge, the path of devotion, and the other innumerable paths that philosophers have invented, depending on their particular idiosyncrasies and neurological responses. Now, if one can think clearly about this matter, without prejudice - I mean by prejudice, being committed to a particular action of thought or belief, and being utterly unaware that one particular form of thinking, one particular approach, must inevitably limit, whether it is the path of knowledge, the path of devotion, or the path of action - , one will see that any particular path must invariably limit, and therefore cannot lead to reality. Because, a path of action, or a path of knowledge, or a path of devotion, in itself, is not sufficient, surely. A man of learning, however erudite, however encyclopedic his knowledge may be, if he has no love, surely his knowledge is worthless; it is merely book learning. A man of belief, as we discussed, must inevitably shape his life according to the dogma, the tenet, that he holds, and therefore his experience must be limited; because, one experiences according to one’s beliefs, and such experience can never be liberating. On the contrary, it is binding. And, as we said, only in freedom can we discover anything new, anything fundamental.
~ J. Krishnamurti 
from The Collected Works Volume V


Saturday, January 1, 2011

a blessing of solitude

May you recognize in your life the presence, 
power, and light of your soul.
May you realize that you are never alone, 
that your soul in its brightness and belonging connects
you intimately with the rhythm of the universe.
May you have respect for your own individuality and difference.
May you realize that the shape of your soul is unique, 
that you have a special destiny here, 
that behind the facade of your life there is something beautiful, 
good, and eternal happening.
May you learn to see yourself with the same delight, 
pride, and expectation with which God sees you in every moment.

~ John O’Donohue
from To Bless the Space Between Us

Thursday, December 30, 2010

how heron comes

It is a negligence of the mind
not to notice how at dusk
heron comes to the pond and
stands there in his death robes, perfect
servant of the system, hungry, his eyes
full of attention, his
wings pure light.

~ Mary Oliver
photo by Kathleen Connally

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

the way in

Whoever you are: some evening take a step,
out of your house, which you know so well.
Enormous space is near, your house lies where it begins,
whoever you are.
Your eyes find it hard to tear themselves
from the sloping threshold, but with your eyes,
slowly, slowly, lift one black tree
up, so it stands against the sky, skinny, alone.
With that you have made the world, the world is immense
and like a word that is still growing in the silence.
In the same moment that your will grasps it,
your eyes, feeling its subtlety  will leave it....
~ Rainer Maria Rilke
translated by Robert Bly

Sunday, December 26, 2010


I sit quietly, listening to the falling leaves--
A lonely hut, a life of renunciation ...
this hut of sticks,
flimsy as the world itself.
~ Ryokan

My hermitage

My hermitage lies in a forest all around me,
Everything is thick and green
no one finds this place,
Only those who have lost their way.
No news of the affairs of men
Only the occasional song of a woodcutter.
A thousand peaks, ten thousand mountain streams
yet no signs of anyone.
~ Ryokan
art by Cezanne

The great good news

The great good news is that 
love is free and it has not gone anywhere. 
In all of these eons that you have been hiding from love,
 love is still here, 
it is still open, 
it is still waiting for your commitment, 
still waiting for you to say,
"Yes, I give my life to the truth of love. 
I vow to let love live this life as it will, 
for better or worse, for richer or poorer." 
The love that you search for everywhere is already present within you. 
It may be evoked by any number of people or events. 
A mountain can evoke this love. 
A sunset can evoke this love. 
But finally, you must realize you are this love. 
The source of all love is within you. 

- Gangaji

Friday, December 24, 2010

Keep your intelligence white-hot
and your grief glistening
so your life will stay fresh.
Cry easily like a little baby.

~ Rumi


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The hunger of the hungry and the fullness of the full

If the soul was born with pinions
What are hovels to it, what are mansions?
What's Genghis Khan to it and what his Horde?
I have two enemies in all the world,
Two twins, inseparably fused:
The hunger of the hungry and the fullness of the full.
Marina Tsvetaeva, (1892-1941)
translation by David McDuff
(Born in Moscow, she married Sergey Efron who fought with the White Guard. 
 One of her two children died of malnutrition in 1920.  They lived in exile
 in Prague and Paris.  Even though Sergey was secretly a soviet informer
 during their exile, he was executed by the secret police on their return
 to the Soviet Union.  Tsvetaeva hanged herself in 1941.)