Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Going Blind

She sat just like the others at the table.
But on second glance, she seemed to hold her cup
a little differently as she picked it up.
She smiled once.  It was almost painful.
And when they finished and it was time to stand
and slowly, as chance selected them, they left 
and moved through many rooms (they talked and laughed),
I saw her.  She was moving far behind
the others, absorbed, like someone who will soon 
have to sing before a large assembly; 
upon her eyes, which were radiant with joy,
light played as on the surface of a pool.
She followed slowly, taking a long time,
as though there were some obstacle in the way;
and yet: as though, once it was overcome,
she would be beyond all walking, and would fly.
~  Rainer Maria Rilke
from New Poems
translated by Stephen Mitchell

Monday, November 15, 2010

on the anniversary of my death

Every year without knowing it I have passed the day 
When the last fires will wave to me
And the silence will set out
Tireless traveler
Like the beam of a lightless star

Then I will no longer
Find myself in life as in a strange garment
Surprised at the earth
And the love of one woman
And the shamelessness of men
As today writing after three days of rain
Hearing the wren sing and the falling cease
And bowing not knowing to what

~ W.S. Merwin

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Light cannot see inside things.
That is what the dark is for:
Minding the interior,
Nurturing the draw of growth
Through places where death
In its own way turns into life.

In the glare of neon times,
Let our eyes not be worn
By surfaces that shine
With hunger made attractive.

That our thoughts may be true light,
Finding their way into words
Which have the weight of shadow
To hold the layers of truth.

That we never place our trust
In minds claimed by empty light,
Where one-sided certainties
Are driven by false desire.

When we look into the heart,
May our eyes have the kindness
And reverence of candlelight.

That the searching of our minds
Be equal to the oblique
Crevices and corners where
The mystery continues to dwell,
Glimmering in fugitive light.

When we are confined inside
The dark house of suffering
That moonlight might find a window.

When we become false and lost
That the severe noon-light
Would cast our shadow clear.

When we love, that dawn-light
Would lighten our feet
Upon the waters.

As we grow old, that twilight
Would illuminate treasure
In the fields of memory.

And when we come to search for God,
Let us first be robed in night,
Put on the mind of morning
To feel the rush of light
Spread slowly inside
The color and stillness
Of a found word.

~ John O'Donohue (1956-2008)
from To Bless the Space Between Us
photo by Alan Schaller

Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Lake Isle Of Innisfree

I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree,
And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made:
Nine bean-rows will I have there, a hive for the honey-bee,
And live alone in the bee-loud glade.
And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow,
Dropping from the veils of the mourning to where the cricket sings;
There midnight's all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow,
And evening full of the linnet's wings.
I will arise and go now, for always night and day
I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore;
While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements grey,
I hear it in the deep heart's core.
~ William Butler Yeats
yeats portrait by John Singer Sargent - 1908

This poem was one of the first poems by Yeats. It was written when the author was young, twenty-five years old, and he was living in London. The isle of the poem really exists, and is situated in Ireland, in Lough Gill. There were two main reasons why the poet wrote these verses: firstly, he was a young Irish person who was living in London, a big city which is not in his country. Ireland is a country whose economy was based on the agriculture, so Yeats wants to return to this type of life, the life of his childhood, secondly, at that moment, Yeats knew of and read Thoreau and wanted to emulate him.

Friday, November 12, 2010

The Swan

This laboring through what is still undone,
as though, legs bound, we hobbled along the way,
is like the awkward walking of the swan.
And dying - to let go, no longer feel
the solid ground we stand on every day -
is like his anxious letting himself fall
into the water, which receives him gently
and which, as though with reverence and joy,
draws back past him in streams on either side;
while, infinitely silent and aware,
in his full majesty and ever more
indifferent, he condescends to glide.
~ Rainer Maria Rilke
from New Poems
translated by Stephen Mitchell

stand firm

I said to the wanting-creature inside me:
What is this river you want to cross?
There are no travelers on the river-road, and no road.
Do you see anyone moving about on that bank, or nesting?
There is no river at all, and no boat, and no boatman.
There is no tow rope either, and no one to pull it.
There is no ground, no sky, no time, no bank, no ford!
And there is no body, and no mind!
Do you believe there is some place that will make the
soul less thirsty?
In that great absence you will find nothing.
Be strong then, and enter into your own body;
there you have a solid place for your feet.
Think about it carefully!
Don't go off somewhere else!
Kabir says this: just throw away all thoughts of
imaginary things,
and stand firm in that which you are. 
~ Kabir
thanks to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/NDhighlights

Thursday, November 11, 2010

When I was a boy...

When I was a boy 
a god would often rescue me 
from the shouting and violence of humans. 
Then, safe and well, I would play 
with the meadow flowers, 
and heaven's breezes 
would play with me. 
And as you delight the heart 
of plants, stretching their tender 
arms toward you, 
Father Helios, 
so you delighted my heart, 
and I was your beloved, 
holy Luna, just like Endymion!
All you faithful 
friendly gods! 
I wish you knew 
how my soul loved you!
Naturally I couldn't call you 
by name then, nor did you use 
mine, as humans do, as if 
they really knew each other.
But I was better acquainted with you 
than I ever was with humans. 
I knew the stillness of the Aether: 
I never understood the words of men.
The euphony of the rustling 
meadow was my education; 
among flowers I learned to love.
I grew up 
in the arms of the gods.
~ Friedrich Hölderlin

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

the joy that shapes dance

Sound and gesture are contemporary,
identical and indistinguishable...
Linked to its own past,
the gesture fills up with music
and becomes rounded,
like the universe...
The beauty of gesture
renders time visible.
~ Catherine David
 is the canvas 
against which movement 
can become beautiful.
~ John O'Donohue
from The Invisible Embrace, Beauty

Monday, November 8, 2010

How it Happens

The sky said I am watching
to see what you
can make out of nothing
I was looking up and I said
I thought you
were supposed to be doing that
the sky said Many
are clinging to that
I am giving you a chance
I was looking up and I said
I am the only chance I have
then the sky did not answer
and here we are
with our names for the days
the vast days that do not listen to us
~ W. S. Merwin

Friday, November 5, 2010

The Gazelle

Enchanted thing: how can two chosen words
ever attain the harmony of pure rhyme
that pulses through you as your body stirs?
Out of your forehead branch and lyre climb,
and all your features pass in simile,through
the songs of love whose words, as light as rose-
petals, rest on the face of someone who 
has put his book away and shut his eyes:
to see you: tensed, as it each leg were a gun
loaded with leaps, but  not fired while your neck
holds your head still, listening: as when,
while swimming in some isolated place,
a girl hears leaves rustle, and turns to look:
the forest pool reflected in her face.
~ Rainer Maria Rilke
from The Selected Poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke
edited and translated by Stephen Mitchell

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Many times loneliness
is someone else
an absence
then when loneliness is no longer
someone else many times
it is someone else's dog
that you're keeping
then when the dog disappears
and the dog's absence
you are alone at last
and loneliness many times
is yourself
that absence
but at last it may be
that you are your own dog
hungry on the way
the one sound climbing a mountain
higher than time
~ W.S. Merwin
Writings To An Unfinished Accompaniment

Lights Out

The old grieving autumn goes on calling to its summer
the valley is calling to other valleys beyond the ridge
each star is roaring alone into darkness
there is not a sound in the whole night
~ W.S. Merwin

the deep innerness of all things

You are the future, 
the red sky before sunrise
over the fields of time.

You are the cock's crow when night is done,
you are the dew and the bells of matins,
maiden, stranger, mother, death.

You create yourself in ever-changing shapes
that rise from the stuff of our days -
unsung, unmourned, undescribed,
like a forest we never know.

You are the deep innerness of all things,
the last word that can never be spoken.
To each of us you reveal yourself differently:
to the ship as coastline, to the shore as a ship.

~ Rainer Maria Rilke
from The Book of Pilgrimage, II,22

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

deep inside the flower


I know of a place not ruled by flatness 
Or constant risings depressions, 
 those alive are not afraid to die. 
There wild flowers come up through the leafy floor, 
 the fragrance of "I am he" floats on the wind. 
...There the love bee stays deep inside the flower 
and cares for no other thing.

~ Kabir

Monday, November 1, 2010


When all thoughts 
Are exhausted
I slip into the woods
And gather
A pile of shepherd's purse.
Like the little stream
Making its way
Through the mossy crevices
I, too, quietly
Turn clear and transparent.
~ Ryokan
photo by Jack Spencer