Nobody told us that what we are is a point of awareness, or pure spirit.
This isn't something we're taught. Rather,
what we were taught was to identify with our name.
We were taught to identify with our birth date.
We were taught to identify with the next thought that we have.
We were taught to identify with all the memories
our mind collects about the past.
But all that was just teaching: all that was just more thinking.
When you stand in your own authority,
based in your own direct experience,
you meet that ultimate mystery that you are.
Even though it may be at first unsettling
to look into your own no-thingness, you do it anyway. Why?
Because you no longer want to suffer.
Because you're willing to be disturbed.
You're willing to be amazed.
You're willing to be surprised.
You're willing to realize that maybe everything
you've ever thought about yourself really isn't true.
~ Adyashanti
with thanks to whiskey river