Thursday, February 20, 2025

facing the unknown


Fear is a universal experience. 
Even the smallest insect feels it. 
We wade in the tidal pools and put our finger near the soft, 
open bodies of sea anemones and they close up.
 Everything spontaneously does that. 
It’s not a terrible thing that we feel fear when faced with the unknown. 
It is part of being alive, something we all share. 
We react against the possibility of loneliness, of death, 
of not having anything to hold on to.
 Fear is a natural reaction to moving closer to the truth.

If we commit ourselves to staying right where we are,
 then our experience becomes very vivid. 
Things become very clear when there is nowhere to escape.

When we really begin to do this, we’re going to be continually humbled.
 There’s not going to be much room for the arrogance 
that holding on to ideals can bring. 
The arrogance that inevitably does arise 
is going to be continually shot down by our own courage
 to step forward a little further. 

The kinds of discoveries that are made through practice
 have nothing to do with believing in anything.
They have much more to do with having the courage to die, 
the courage to die continually.

Only to the extent that we expose ourselves over and over
 to annihilation can that which is indestructible be found in us.

Things falling apart is a kind of testing and also a kind of healing.
 We think that the point is to pass the test or to overcome the problem,
 but the truth is that things don’t really get solved.
 They come together and they fall apart. 
Then they come together again and fall apart again. 
It’s just like that. 
The healing comes from letting there be room
 for all of this to happen: room for grief, 
for relief, for misery, for joy.

~ Pema Chödrön
from When Things Fall Apart: 
Heart Advice for Difficult Times
with thanks to the Marginalian

Monday, February 17, 2025

slip beyond impels people to service.  If love starts with a downward motion,
 burrowing into the vulnerability of self, exposing nakedness, 
it ends with an active upward motion.  It arouses great energy 
and desire to serve.  The person in love is buying little presents, 
fetching the glass from the next room, bringing a tissue when there's flu,
 driving through traffic to pick the beloved up at the airport.
 Love is waking up night after night to breastfeed, living year after year to nurture.
  It is risking and sacrificing your life for your buddy's in a battle. 
 Love ennobles and transforms. 
 In no other state do people so often live as we want them to live. 
 In no other commitment are people so likely to slip beyond the logic
 of self-interest and unconditional commitments
 that manifest themselves in daily acts of care.

Occasionally you meet someone with a thousand-year heart. 
 The person with the thousand-year heart has made the most of the passionate,
 tumultuous phase of love. Those months or years of passion have engraved 
a deep commitment in their mind.  The person or thing they once loved hotly
 they now love warmly but steadily, happily, unshakably.  
They don't even think of loving their beloved because they want something back...
 They just naturally offer love as a matter of course
 It is gift-love, not reciprocity-love.

~ David Brooks
from The Road to Character

Friday, February 14, 2025

what lovers would not...


what lovers would not unite beyond belief and annihilate
their separation forever if they
had the power
to do so?


What lovers would
not want to die

Meister Eckhart

Monday, February 10, 2025

The thief who became a disciple

One evening as Shichiri Kojun was reciting sutras a thief with a sharp sword entered,
 demanding either his money or his life.

Shichiri told him:  "Do not disturb me.  You can find the money in that drawer." 
 Then he resumed his recitation.
A little while afterwards he stopped and called:  "Don't take it all. 
 I need some to pay taxes with tomorrow."

The intruder gathered up most of the money and started to leave. 
 "Thank a person when you receive a gift,"  Shichiri added. 
 The man thanked him and made off.

A few days afterwards the fellow was caught and confessed,
 among others, the offence against Shichiri.  
When Shichiri was called as a witness he said:  
 "This man is no thief, at least as far as I am concerned.  
I gave him the money and he thanked me for it."

After he had finished his prison term,
 the man went to Shichiri and became his disciple.

~ from Zen Flesh Zen Bones
 compiled by Paul Reps and Nyogen Senzaki

Sunday, February 9, 2025

members of each other

The way we are, we are members of each other. 
All of us. Everything. 
The difference ain't in who is a member and who is not, 
but in who knows it and who don’t.


It was a community always disappointed in itself, 
disappointing its members, 
always trying to contain its divisions and gentle its meanness, 
always failing and yet always preserving a sort of will toward goodwill…
And yet I saw them all as somehow perfected, 
beyond time, by one another’s love, compassion, and forgiveness, 
as it is said we may be perfected by grace.

And so there we all were on a little wave of time lifting up to eternity, 
and none of us ever in time would know what to make of it. 
How could we? 
It is a mystery, for we are eternal beings living in time.

~ Wendell Berry
excerpts from Jaber Crow

for lost friends


As twilight makes a rainbow robe
From the concealed colors of day
In order for time to stay alive
Within the dark weight of night,
May we lose no one we love
From the shelter of our hearts.
When we love another heart
And allow it to love us, 
We journey deep below time
Into that eternal weave
Where nothing unravels.
May we have the grace to see
Despite the hurt of rupture,
The searing of anger,
And the empty disappointment,
That whoever we have loved,
Such love can never quench.
Though a door may have closed,
Closed between us,
May we be able to view
Our lost friends with eyes
Wise with calming grace;
Forgive them the damage
We were left to inherit;
Free ourselves from the chains
Of forlorn resentment;
Bring warmth again to 
Where the heart has frozen
In order that beyond the walls
Of our cherished hurt
And chosen distance
We may be able to 
Celebrate the gifts they brought,
Learn and grow from the pain,
And prosper into difference,
Wishing them the peace
Where spirit can summon
Beauty from wounded space.

~ John O'Donohue
from To Bless the Space Between Us





Listen to your life. 
See it for the fathomless mystery that it is.
 In the boredom and the pain of it 
no less than the excitement and gladness: touch, taste, 
smell your way to the holy and hidden heart of it
 because in the last analysis all moments are key moments,
 and life itself is grace.

~  Frederick Buechner

Saturday, February 8, 2025

about true seekers


Wayfarer, know that in the battlefield of pain,
love may come with annihilation.
You whose existence is mingled
with nonexistence,
you whose joys are mingled with grief,
if you don't experience some ups and downs,
how will you ever know relief?

You bravely strike like lightning,
then cover yourself with rubbish
to protect against the shock.
What are you doing?
Rise up like a true seeker.
Set fire to reason
and flare into a mad lover.

If you hesitate over this alchemy,
at least come and take a quick look.
How long will you stay in your head?
Become like me, leave your self.
For once, show foresight
so that in the end you too can become
a dervish and joyfully arrive
at annihilation of the self.

I who am neither myself nor other than myself
have traveled beyond reason, good and evil thoughts.
I've lost my self within myself.
The only cure is the incurable.

When the sun of poverty landed on me,
both worlds twirled together into a single shaft of light.
And when I saw that column of light
I passed on into no self; became
a drop of water and joined the stream.

All that I had won and lost,
I threw away into black waters.
I disappeared, became lost, void.
I became a shadow without a single atom,
a drop of water that had joined the ocean.
Good luck finding that droplet.
Such loss of self is not for all,
but I joined the eternal union
and there are many like me.
Who in the world, from a dust mote to the moon,
wouldn't want to be lost this way?

~ Farid ud-Din Attar  (1120? - 1220?)
English version by Sholeh Wolpé
from The Conferences of the Birds
with thanks to Poetry Chaikhana

Saturday, February 1, 2025

why we tell stories

Because we used to have leaves 
and on damp days 
our muscles feel a tug, 
painful now, from when roots 
pulled us into the ground 

and because our children believe 
they can fly, an instinct retained 
from when the bones in our arms 
were shaped like zithers and broke 
neatly under their feathers 

and because before we had lungs 
we knew how far it was to the bottom 
as we floated open-eyed 
like painted scarves through the scenery 
of dreams, and because we awakened 
and learned to speak 

We sat by the fire in our caves, 
and because we were poor, we made up a tale 
about a treasure mountain 
that would open only for us 

and because we were always defeated, 
we invented impossible riddles 
only we could solve, 
monsters only we could kill, 
women who could love no one else 
and because we had survived 
sisters and brothers, daughters and sons, 
we discovered bones that rose 
from the dark earth and sang 
as white birds in the trees 

Because the story of our life 
becomes our life 

Because each of us tells 
the same story 
but tells it differently 

and none of us tells it 
the same way twice 

Because grandmothers looking like spiders 
want to enchant the children 
and grandfathers need to convince us 
what happened happened because of them 

and though we listen only 
haphazardly, with one ear, 
we will begin our story 
with the word and

~ Lisel Mueller
from Alive Together: New and Selected Poems

knowing nothing


Love is not the reason.
Love is the lure,
the thin goat staked out in the clearing.

The lion has stalked
the village for a long time.
It does not want the goat,
who stands thin and bleating,
tied to its bit of wood.

The goat is not the reason
The reason is the lion,
whose one desire is to enter -
Not the goat, which is
only the lure, only excuse,
but the one burning life
it has hunted for a long time
disguised as hunger.  Disguised as love.
Which is not the reason.

Or would you think
that the bones of a lion reason?
Would you think that the tongue?
The lion does not want the goat,
it wants only to live.  Alone if it must.
In pain if it must.  Knowing nothing.
Like the goat, it wants only to live.
Like love. Or would you think that the heart?

~ Jane Hirshfield
from Lives of the Heart