Thursday, January 9, 2025

I shall walk quietly the beautiful trail


Now Talking God
With your feet I walk.
I walk with your limbs
I carry forth your body
For me your mind thinks
Your voice speaks for me
Beauty is before me
And beauty is behind me
Above and below me hovers the beautiful
I am surrounded by it
I am immersed in it
In my youth I am aware of it
And in old age I shall walk quietly
The beautiful trail.
The mountains,
I become part of it . . .
The herbs, the fir tree,
I become part of it.
The morning mists, the clouds,
the gathering waters,
I become part of it.
The wilderness, the dew drops, the pollen . . .
I become part of it.
May it be delightful my house;
From my head may it be delightful;
To my feet may it be delightful;
Where I lie may it be delightful;
All above me may it be delightful;
All around me may it be delightful.

'Sa'ah naaghéi, Bik'eh hózhó

excerpts from the
Navaho Night Chant
art by Ted DeGrazia

The nine-night ceremony known as the Night Chant
 or Nightway is believed to date from around 1000 B. C. E.,
 when it was first performed by those who lived in Canyon de Chelly.
  It is considered to be the most sacred of all Navajo ceremonies
 and one of the most difficult and demanding to learn, 
involving the memorization of hundreds of songs,
 dozens of prayers, and several very complicated sand paintings.

At its core, the Night Chant is a healing ritual, 
aimed at curing the sick
 and restoring balance
 and harmony within the universe.


Barbara Rogers said...

Thanks for posting this. Do you know who the artist of the painting might be?

Dean Keller said...

Hi Barbara, yes the artist is Ted DeGrazia.