Thursday, January 17, 2019

only by love

For silence is not God, nor speaking;
fasting is not God, nor eating;
solitude is not God, nor company;
nor any other pair of opposites.

He is hidden between them,
and cannot be found by anything your soul does,
but only by the love of your heart.

He cannot be known by reason,
he cannot be thought, caught,
or sought by understanding.

But he can be loved and
chosen by the true, loving will of your heart.

To put it more simply, let that mysterious grace move in your spirit as it will and follow wherever it leads you. Let it be the active doer and you the passive receiver. Do not meddle with it, but let it be... Your part is to be as wood to a carpenter or a home to a dweller. Remain blind during this time cutting away all desire to know, for knowledge is a hindrance here. Be content to feel this mysterious grace sweetly awaken in the depths of your spirit. Forget everything...

~ The Cloud of Unknowing


Mystic Meandering said...

Love that last paragraph - not my will but yours... am working on it... :)

Mike said...

Which edition of the cloud of unknowing is this?

Dean Keller said...

Hi Mike,

This is from the 1973 edition by William Johnston.


Mike said...

Dean, Thanks!