Saturday, July 27, 2024

romanesque arches

Inside the huge Romanesque church the tourists jostled in the half darkness.
vault gaped behind vault, no complete view.
A few candle flames flickered.
An angel with no face embraced me
and whispered through my whole body:
"Don't be ashamed of being human, be proud!
Inside you vault opens behind vault endlessly.
You will never be complete, that's how it's meant to be."
Blind with tears
I was pushed out on the sun-seething piazza
together with Mr. and Mrs. Jones, Mr Tanaka, and Signora Sabatini,
and inside each of them vault opened behind vault endlessly.

Tomas Tranströmer
from The Half Finished Heaven
translated by Robert Bly


Mystic Meandering said...

I love the imagery that he portrays and the photo that you used to match his imagery. One can only hope that his "vision" is true... Really wish we could "know" these things, really *see* what is behind everything, really know the truth of our Being...

Dean Keller said...

For most of us it seems to be a process, with clarity and insights revealing themselves as distinctions and attachments are released.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.