Sunday, August 25, 2019

when the body and mind grow weak

When the body and mind grow weak, 
the Self gathers in all the powers of life and descends with them into the heart.
  As prana leaves the eye, it ceases to see.
 "He is becoming one," say the wise;  "he does not see. 
 He is becoming one; he no longer hears. 
 He is becoming one; he no longer speaks, or tastes, or smells, or thinks, or knows." 
 By the light of the heart the Self leaves the body by one of its gates;
 and when he leaves, prana follows, and with it all the vital powers of the body.
  He who is dying merges in consciousness,
 and thus consciousness accompanies him when he departs,
 along with the impressions of all that he has done,
 experienced, and known.

~ from the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad
art by van gogh


Mystic Meandering said...

Oh how beautiful... I wish I had remembered this when my mother was dying... She seemed to have such a struggle then... But as I read this now I can see this is what was happening... And maybe it was just the body struggling as "she" was leaving her body... In any case, she has merged with the Great Being/Greater Consciousness now and returned to the womb of Love...