Friday, March 25, 2022

things that are within us


The things we see,” Pistorius said softly, “are the same things that are within us.
 There is no reality except the one contained within us. That is why so many people 
live such an unreal life. They take the images outside them for reality 
and never allow the world within to assert itself. You can be happy that way.
 But once you know the other interpretation you no longer have the choice
 of following the crowd. Sinclair, the majority’s path
 is an easy one, ours is difficult.

If you hate a person, you hate something in him that is part of yourself.
 What isn’t part of ourselves doesn’t disturb us.” “Each of us has to find out
 for himself what is permitted and what is forbidden.. Forbidden for him.
It’s possible for one never to transgress a single law and still be a bastard.
 And vice versa.

I live in my dreams — that’s what you sense. 
Other people live in dreams, but not in their own. 
That’s the difference.
~ Hermann Hesse
excerpts from Damian 
 art by Alaira Bird




Mystic Meandering said...

Hermann Hesse's quote is just lovely!